Chapter 5 {Meet Amber and Alex}

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The light of early morning shined silent bedroom, dazing the girl’s blue eyes with strands of golden light. With a loud, tired groan she tossed onto her back, holding her comforter closer to her body as she tried to get away from the light of the morning. Irritated, she stood from her bed, her hand instinctively gripping her stomach as it lurched, a feeling in the preceding three weeks she had grown accustomed to. Her feet moved unwillingly across the floor, each step drawing a tired sigh from her mouth.

“Claire?” a voice called, her body froze as sound of footsteps echoed on the  floor. In the haze of the past few days, it had slipped from her mind that her roommates, Amber and Alex, were due to return. “Claire we know you didn’t get yourself laid, so come on” the other voice called, her tone smug, Claire rolled her eyes at the irony of her friend’s assumption “In here” she responded weakly as she placed a false smile on her face “It’s good to see you guys” she said weakly as she turned to face her door and the two figures that stood in it.

Amber was the first to enter. A tall girl with dark brown hair that reached the bottom of her back with ease, perhaps longer. She was a pretty girl. Her personality was the perfect compliment to her  beautiful appearance. Studious, shy and smart Amber was the girl most guys dreamed of, she was, as Claire believed perfection.

Alex on the other hand was the total opposite. Amber was really shy, she was rather sweet in the way she didn’t know how pretty she was. Alex however, was all too aware of the beauty she possessed. She too was tall and slender, yet she held more curves. Her hair was dark, much darker than Amber's. It was curly too, but always tamed and under control as well.

They’d been friends for years. Claire had met Amber on the first day at senior school. They grew to be fast friends, both sharing similar aspirations, Claire as an artist and Amber as an actress. In their first year of college, they met music student Alex and, although somewhat reluctantly, welcomed her to their circle of friends.

“Claireee” Amber cried, her blue eyes flashing with the same smile that toyed on her lips

“It’s been to long” she giggled embracing her, Claire grinned and threw her arms around her in response, relishing the comforting hug that her friend was throwing at her. “How’ve you been?” Amber squeaked “You look so good” she cooed and Claire smiled weakly, she felt good, but her reasoning was slightly odd.

Being pregnant and dating the father, who just happened to be a professional singer part of the world's known boyband? It was hardly the most common of reasons for happiness. “I’m good, how about you? How’s school been?” she asked, her tone falsifying excitement with ease. Amber smiled shyly “I know that look” Claire grinned “You’ve got a new boyfriend right?” she teased. The pallid girl flushed and stared at the floor. “Jeez Amber, you’ve not shut up about him the whole ride here, yet the second Claire mentions him, you go all silent? Yeesh woman, get a grip”

“Alex leave her” Claire smiled softly as she gazed at her flushed friend “What’s he called?”

“James” she whispered, her smile growing as the name fell from her lips “he’s in my drama class”

“Yes, Mr. Melodrama himself” Alex growled. Claire rolled her eyes, how she had missed her friends.

“So what about you then Claire?” Alex asked as she flopped down onto Claire's unmade bed “All alone for three weeks, you must have done something?” she smirked quirking an eyebrow. Claire felt her cheeks flush, she had to tell them about Zayn eventually, what was wrong with now? “Actually-“ as if on cue, the shrill sound of the doorbell echoed, interrupting her. “I’ll get it” Amber smiled darting out of the door…


The sun was high in the sky as Zayn stood on her doorstep, his hands jammed into the pockets of his loose grey hoodie. He listened closely to the sound of footsteps approaching and smiled subconsciously, something he’d found himself doing much frequently since allowing Claire into his life. The small oak door swung open, but instead of the half asleep mass of dark waves he was expecting, he was greeted by a cute girl. “Uh…who are you?” she asked, her voice timid. Zayn peered at his feet “I’m Zayn” he stated “This is Claire's place right?” he asked, his brown eyes narrowed in confusion as he stared at the girl. “Uh yeah, d’you mind waiting here?” she asked, her London accent echoing in her words. He nodded his head with a soft smile and stepped back onto the pavement, watching as the girl scurried back inside.


“Claire” Amber called as hurried through the house, Claire sat up and peered at her, her eyes glittering with happiness, something that had evaded her for the past few days “Hmm?” she hummed as she toyed innocently with Alex's hair, much to the darker haired girl’s annoyance “There’s a guy called Zayn on the doorstep” Claire's body froze, he was here? “If you want I can tell him to leave” Amber suggested softly “You don’t look overly thrilled that he is here”

“No, no, he just always takes me by surprise” she covered grabbing her light pink robe from the back of the door and pulling it around her skinny frame before walking out of the room, Amber and Alex hot on her tail.

“Oh hi” Zayn grinned as she stepped out of the small house, his face was bright with a grin, on that was soft and reserved specifically for her “I didn’t realise you had guests” he chuckled awkwardly. Claire dropped her head “My roommates” she whispered “I should have told you about them”

“Hey now” he muttered moving towards her “We barely know each other remember? Don’t act all guiltily, it’s not like they are axe wielding murders or anything right?” he teased, she shook her head “So what brings you here this fine morning?” she asked, Zayn chuckled and let his hands fall back into his pockets, something that she had noted was a nervous twitch of his, and smiled “I was wondering if you wanted to grab-“

“Who is he then Claire?” Alex cackled, cutting Zayn off completely. Claire rolled her eyes and smiled softly at Zayn  who returned it instantly “Alex, Amber, this is my…friend Zayn, Zayn these are my roommates Alex and Amber” she said, trying desperately to keep her cool, he was much than just a friend. “Mhm, friend” Alex hummed sceptically “So how long have you two been together” Claire closed her eyes, as much as she loved Alex, the girl could really irritate her “Well it appears I am not going to get an answer out of Claire here” she stated “So Zayn, how long’ve you been seeing our friend here?”

“Well, uhm, depends on how you define seeing” he deflected awkwardly, Claire sent him a soft smile in appreciation of his effort. “Zayn is…well…uhh” Marisol stammered

“Holy shit you are pregnant aren’t you?” Alex exclaimed “And Mr Speechless over here is the dad”

“Claire” Zayn whispered “Are you ok?”

“They to know eventually” she sighed. At least now she had someone to fall back on if Zayn flaked on her…



So at-----the side, that's how Claire is supposed to look like....

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