Chapter 8 {Love Drunk}

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Here's a new chapter, one that I think is pretty darned cute, here's hoping you agree.
Don't forget to fan/vote or leave your comments! So....Enjoy :)

Zayn watched her in silence as she slept soundly beside him. Although they had not been together long, it was habit that had flourished. He adored sitting beside her, just watching as her chest rose and fell with each and every soft breath. She was beautiful when she was asleep, so at peace. He liked her like that, almost as much as he liked her when she was awake. It was safe to say that after just eight short weeks, two short months, that he was in love. It was hard for him to believe that if Claire hadn’t of fallen pregnant he would have never seen her again.

“Mhm” she hummed quietly as she stirred beneath the comforter. Zayn chuckled silently to himself as her nose crinkled, she was just too adorable. “Rise and shine sleepy head” he whispered as he nestled down beside her and placed a warm kiss on her nose. “How can you be so chipper in the morning?” she grumbled as she wrapped the quilt around her body tighter. Zayn smiled and caressed the soft skin of her cheek with his hand “I guess it comes from years of waking up early” he noted gently “Come on you” he stated as he stood from the bed and lifted the quilt from her. Claire rolled her eyes and stood from the bed allowing the soft material of the shirt of Zayn’s she slept in to cascaded down her tempting body. Zayn couldn’t help but stare as the material stopped halfway down her thighs, leaving the majority of her flawless pale legs uncovered.

“Have I ever mentioned how sexy you are?” he asked absently as his chestnut eyes drew themselves slowly up her body. Claire rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and sauntered from the room, but not before muttering “Idiot” under her breath.

“So” Zayn exclaimed as he flounced onto the couch beside his relaxed girlfriend. The brunette peered up at the excited man and rolled her eyes “What is up with you today?” she giggled. He smiled proudly and wrapped his arm around her shoulders “I’ve got the day off and I want to spend it in your wonderful company” he stated. Claire giggled “Well I am honored” she teased. Zayn beamed proudly and placed a soft kiss on her lips, relishing the soft feel of her plush pink lips caressing his own. The kiss was slow and innocent, like a kiss between high school sweethearts, but to him, it was so much more. He may not have known the brunette for all that long, but he knew that she was his so called ‘one’. No other girl had been able to stir the emotions within him that Claire had. And then there was their baby. But with Claire, he knew it just wasn’t possible and no matter how stupid it seemed, he felt as if he had known it from the moment they had first met.

“Zayn?” she muttered as she pulled away and met his brown eyes with her blue ones. The small man smiled softly and brushed a strand of her brown hair away from her entrancing eyes “Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you?” he whispered, his voice low with a soft hint of emotion. Claire smiled but allowed her brow to furrow at the same time. Zayn wasn’t the type of guy to say things like that, he was the type of man to joke about and play, but from the look in his eyes she could see that he meant every word he was saying.

“I meant it Claire” he added tenderly “I’ve never been with anyone like you before. You’re wonderful, amazing and beautiful. It sucks to think that I would have never even seen you again if not for-“ he drifted off with a subtle nod towards her slightly swollen stomach. “It seemed like it was a mistake at first” he whispered softly “But now I realize that this might be the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m going to be a dad and I’m going to share this experience with you” he grinned.

Claire stared at her boyfriend, her blue eyes swimming in tears at the beauty of his words. “Hey, hey, don’t cry, I’m not supposed to make you cry” he chuckled gripping her upper arms lightly and forcing her to stare into his eyes. With the eminence of a smile sparking in his chestnut eyes, he brushed his hand across her cheek and cupped it softly before pulling her into a soft kiss. “Come on, why don’t we go for a walk eh? A little window shopping for junior” he suggested pulling away. Claire beamed at him and nodded her head

“I’d like that” she breathed out as she wiped her own eyes. Zayn chuckled gently and released her from his grip, watching with a soft awestruck expression as her slender figure left the room.

The London streets were buzzing as they wandered down them, their faces hidden in amongst the crowds. He clung to her hand, his protective nature reaching a new peak as people pushed past them. “Are you alright?” Zayn asked as he pulled her into a nearby shop. Claire peered up at him and smiled “I’m fine Zayn” she beamed pressing a tender kiss to his nose “You worry too much” she teased. Zayn merely beamed widely and encircled her petit waist with his arm “Can you blame me? I think I would actually die if you got hurt” he chuckled lightly. Claire flamed red “You’re adorable when you blush” he whispered into her ear as he swayed her body in his arms. She looked up at him. “What is up with you today? You’re being oddly sweet and romantic” she giggled. He chuckled and tipped her chin back with his fingers, peering into her powder blue eyes “I’m just showing you what you mean to me” he muttered kissing her softly.

The day progressed quickly and soon enough the pair found themselves sitting on a bench not far from the young singer's apartment. The sun was shimmering lowly, Zayn’s arm rested firmly around the small waist of the beauty that sat beside him, his eyes fixated on her as her soft dark hair blew in the soft wind. He’d never truly noticed how beautiful she was until she had sat down beside him that night. She was the most angelic girl that he had ever laid his eyes on. Everything about her was beautiful, her powder blue eyes, her dark brown hair, her pallid complexion, everything was just perfection.

“You think too much” she whispered as a small sleepy smile adorned her flawless face. Zayn returned her smile softly as his fingers brushed through her delicate hair “Maybe I do, but since my mind is always on you, I consider it a perfect waste of my time” he whispered, earning a soft blush on her pale cheeks. “Claire I need to tell you something” he muttered taking her soft hands in his. The brunette let her eyes widen in worry. “Don’t worry” he giggled “It’s nothing bad. Well at least to me it isn’t” he chuckled.

Claire still remained skeptical as she peered at him. “I just wanted to say that these two months have been two of the best of my life. I know they hardly seem significant now, but they mean the world to me and the reason why? Well baby that is you” he smiled as he cupped her cheeks. “You’ve changed me Clary. You’ve taken a nineteen year old child and molded him into a man, a man with a family on the cards, a man with a path laid out for him, something I never saw myself being. You’re perhaps the most amazing person that has ever walked into my life and, as stupid as this probably sounds because we have only known each other for two months, I don’t think I ever want you to walk out again. You’re on my mind all the time, something which makes you extra special” he ranted grinning “I guess what I am trying to say is that I love you Claire” he breathed out as his eyes closed.

Claire stared at him, her blue eyes wide as his beautiful words echoed in her mind. He loved her? He, the Zayn Malik, loved her? “Aren’t you going to say anything?” he whispered shyly. She’d never seen him so timid before, it was in someway reassuring. She thought for a moment. Two months, that was all it had been since they had met, since it had all happened to them, yet she didn’t regret one moment. She had always liked him, every since their first meeting at the club that night. She knew what they had was different. She’d never felt anything like the feelings that the singer conjured. Maybe that was what love was? All the foreign feelings, all the butterflies, was that love? “Clary?” his shy voice came "Claire please just say something, this silence is killing me” he begged her. Sucking a deep breath through her teeth, she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear

“I love you too Zayn” she whispered. The boy's eyes tore open as her words spilled into his ears. his face grew wide with the largest grin Claire had ever seen. “You mean it?” he asked, his youthful naivety shining in his kiddish words. She giggled and nodded her head “I mean it Zayn. I love you” she repeated. The small man beamed and pulled her into a warm kiss, sealing the love that had glimmered between them since they’d met…

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