Chapter 19 {Me and you against the world}

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He’d never been so nervous in his life. Even stepping out Wembley for the first time didn’t compare to the nerves that swelled within him as he faced the door, his palms sweating at mere thought of what awaited him on the other side. It was late; the sun was just starting to seep out of the sky as he stood on the stoop, his heart beating in his chest at world record pace. He had to admit he owed a lot to Louis, without him he knew he wouldn’t have been stood there, he just knew it. With a sharp intake of breath, he lifted his closed fist towards the pane of glass that made up a third of the wooden door and tapped it lightly, his heart giving a jolt every time his skin met glass. He could hear their footsteps, their hushed voices and it was safe to say that they weren’t helping his nerves, they were merely making them ten times worse.

It felt forever, the amount of time he stood in anticipation; it felt as if years had passed when in fact it had been mere minutes, that was just how terrified he was. He could remember clearly how he had felt when he had met Claire’s family the first time around, he could remember the nerves that had been instilled in him by her father’s gaze and her brother’s stature, but in comparison to those that swelled in his stomach now, they were nothing.

The door swept open quickly causing Zayn’s eyes to lift, only for them to fall back to his feet. “Oh” the voice sighed, their tone bitter and slicing as it travelled around them “What are you doing here?” they snapped. Zayn shuffled his feet nervously and delved his sweating hands into his pockets. “I…I came to speak with your sister” he said, his voice easily conveying the nerves that plagued him “I…I really think I need to” he stated. Nathan let out a hollow chuckle and set his seething gaze once more upon the small man “And what makes you think that I would let you do that? Haven’t you done enough damage to her already?” he snapped.

That hurt. Of course Zayn knew he had been wrong, his failure to give his girlfriend even the smallest chance to defend herself was just one of many mistakes he had made in the last 24 hours, but she had hurt him, surely he could be granted a little compassion. “She hurt me too Nathan, or has that escaped your mind? I found her with another man, what the hell was I supposed to do? I get it, I’ve been an idiot, but incase it has slipped from your mind too, she’s carrying my daughter, I think that gives me the right to at least attempt to make things right between us don’t you?” he exclaimed angrily. The taller man peered down at the small singer with a look of awe in his eyes. “Please" Zayn sighed “I just want to speak to her, please Nate?” he begged him.

Nathan sighed and moved from the door way, allowing Zayn to move past him “You can’t be long. Mum and dad only went out to the supermarket to get her some ice cream, they could be back any moment” he warned. Zayn smiled at him appreciatively and made his way through to the living room.

His breath evaded him as his eyes landed on her. She looked a mess, a beautiful one, but a mess nonetheless. Her hair, the usually flawlessly crafted curls fell flat and frizzy against her cheeks. Her eyes, the blue orbs that were constantly shining with love and laughter, stared dully from their sockets at the TV that was blaring in the corner. It killed Zayn to think that he had done this to her. “Who was it Nate?” she called out, her voice shaking and broken as it harrowed in the air. It pierced him through the heart. “I…It was me” he spoke out shyly causing her eyes to dart to him in an instant.

Zayn waved slightly and smiled awkwardly “H…hey” he stammered. Claire surveyed silently for a moment, her blue eyes filling with tears. “Oh please don’t cry” he breathed “I…I don’t think I could take it if you cried” he exclaimed. Claire wiped her eyes and stared at him vacantly, her lip quivering.

Zayn stepped towards her hesitantly. His arms itching to wrap around her as his lips itched to kiss hers. It all seemed slightly stupid to him, to be having such feelings after fewer than 24 hours apart, but he couldn’t dismiss them, they were running riot within him. “Why are you here?” she asked him, her voice barely audible and her eyes fixed on the carpet “You made yourself clear last night” she sighed.

Zayn shook his head “I didn’t mean it, I was hurting, all I said was said in the heat of the moment” he sighed “It damn sure sounded like you meant it” she retorted “It damn sure sounded like you didn’t want our baby” she cooed. In that instant, Zayn’s eyes darted towards her swollen tummy. With a frown on his lips, he placed his palm to it and met her eyes “You know that isn’t true” he sighed softly “You know that I want our daughter more than anything on this earth, that I love her already more than I love life itself. What I said to you last night was wrong of me, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, but you have to understand how hurt I was. Dylan was slowly becoming one of my closest friends and to find you kissing him? well I just saw red, it killed me. I got angry and said things that I would have never meant in a million years. I love you Claire Sanchez, I love you will all my heart and I shouldn’t have ever let you think otherwise. We’re meant to be baby and you know it. It’s you and me against the world” he smiled.

He could see the tears still lingering in her eyes and hoped with all his heart that they were tears of joy.

“Say it again” she whispered “Say you love me again” she smiled. Zayn’s grin merely grew “I love you, I really freaking love you” he chuckled. Claire brushed her pale hand through his hair “I’m so sorry Zayn. I shouldn’t have let you get so close to Dylan, I knew what he was like and I should have stopped it. Last night, things started to get on top of me, I was stupid and naïve. You have to know that you are the only man for me. I love you” she giggled. Zayn cupped her face softly and placed his lips to hers, kissing her gently. It may have only been a matter of hours that they were apart, but no feeling on earth could compare to the feeling of relief that rushed through his veins as her lips responded to hers.

Sure they were fragile, sure they were delicate, but when you’re young, aren’t you always? They knew it wasn’t going to be easy, they had seen the effects of just a tiny fight on their relationship, but as their lips molded to one and other, they didn’t care, they were in love, they were happy and they couldn’t wait to have their baby, the thing that would finally complete their idealistic world…

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