Chapter 6 {Explanations, Interrogations & Breakfast}

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The room was silent looks were being tossed from person to person, things that they were to afraid to say. Zayn shuffled awkwardly, his eyes were set on the floor but he knew that there were looks being shot in his direction, he could feel their eyes on him.

“So who’s going to tell us what happened?” Alex stated, a smirk pulling across her features. For years the girls had discussed the idea of children, all three wanted to be mothers but had promised one and other that they would wait before making the others aunties. Zayn swallowed and peered shyly towards Claire her eyes too were fixated on the floor, merely showing him the nervousness he had seen that night when she had let him know that she was expecting. “It was one night” he murmured “I was out clubbing with a friend of mine but wasn’t truly up for it. I sat at the bar with my head in my hands and then Claire appeared, we got talking, we got drinking and soon we got kissing. One kiss led to another and another and before we knew what was happening we were at my apartment tearing each others clothes off and now, now Claire is having my baby” He summed up lowly “But before you judge me, I just want to say that I am going to stick around, I am going to be a part of both her's and the baby’s life”

“Zayn you’ve said enough” Claire muttered as she toyed with his hand in hers, Zayn turned his eyes back to her and smiled reassuringly.

“Are you really going to stay around?” Amber asked softly, Zayn lifted his head and nodded

“For as long as she wants me to.... yes” he stated “I don’t want to be an absentee father, I want to be a part of my child’s life”

“Do you have a stable enough job to look after her? I mean, she works, but she is also still in school, have you got the money to support her and the baby?” Alex asked, Claire sent her a glare

“I take it none of you are all that into boybands and such?” Jack chuckled, Alex and Amber shook their heads “I'm a... professional singer part of this well-known boyband"

“You’re a singer?” Alex gaped and Zayn grinned and nodded his head

“Yup” he stated proudly

“Zayn?” Amber questioned, her shyness had caused the others to forget about her presence in the room “Do you want to be with Claire? I don’t mean just to support your child because I can see that you are sincere about that, I mean are you going to be with her?” Zayn's face flushed, he’d given it a lot of thought and he did want to be a part of her life, he liked her a considerable amount and wanted to be with her, but he’d not quite got around to admitting it.

 “Well?” Alex questioned, Zayn turned his head to Marisol, her blue eyes where shining in a way that had his heart racing “I…I’d like to” he choked out “I…I’ve got to know her recently and am amazed by who she is, she is sweet, kind and funny, not to mention how beautiful she is.” he stumbled, Alex and Amber smiled softly

“So what do you say Claire?” Amber smiled “Do you want to be with him?” Claire peered up at Zayn, his brown eyes burrowed into hers with a look of pleading, it wasn’t desperate but it was there and that meant a lot to her, he wanted to be with her, she’d wanted to be with him since day one “Yes, I do want to be with him” she murmured causing a wide smile to appear on the singer's face “Then I guess this is where we leave the room and you guys starting making out” Alex smirked as she grabbed Amber’s arm, Claire's face flushed with embarrassment as she set her eyes on the floor.

“I’ve got a better idea”  Zayn mumbled “You go and get change and then I’ll take you out for breakfast” he suggested, she smiled softly and stood from her seat gazing “That sounds like a plan” she said “I’ll be ready in about half an hour”

“I’ll wait here I guess” he said with a shrug, she smiled and made her way to her bedroom.

Zayn scanned the small room, his eyes examining each and every detail with a soft smile. It was a small room, but one with a defined homely feel. There were shelves on the walls filled with pictures of family and friends. Zayn spotted one of Claire's and smiled, she couldn’t have been more than ten or eleven years old and she stood with two boys, both much older than her, Zayn presumed that they were her brothers. She was a beautiful child just like she was a beautiful woman

“Zayn?” she giggled capturing his attention “What you doing?”

“Just looking about a bit” he grinned “You were a cute kid by the way” he teased, Claire felt her cheeks tinge red and peered at the floor “Thanks” she muttered, causing him to smile, he thought it was awfully cute the way she looked away when she blushed “Come on” he smiled “If we wait any longer, it won’t be breakfast” he grinned. She nodded her head and picked her purse up from the side

“You don’t mind dropping me off in town afterwards do you?” she asked, Zayn shook his head and smiled “No problem”.

They drove a little way out of town, to a small cafe that he had visited with his bandmates often after gigs. The small restaurant was tatty and old, its brickwork was chipped and faded, its windows were mucky, but he liked it that way, he thought it gave it a more homely feel. “You come here often?” Claire asked softly as she gazed over the tattered building, he smiled and nodded his head “Me and the lads always come here on the way back, they serve the best fry up money can buy” he said, his brown eyes gleaming. “Come on” he teased “You can’t sit there daydreaming the day away” Claire merely rolled her eyes and followed him into the restaurant.

“Zaynie boy” a stout man called from behind the counter as the sound of the doorbell tore through the air, Zayn beamed at the man “Antonio, it’s been a while” the man chuckled

“Yeah, you tend to find that my favourite boybands don’t visit over the summer” he teased, Zayn chuckled “Well I am here now and it won’t be long until the lads are back too” he smiled, the man nodded “So anyways Zayn, who’s this?” he said as he motioned to Claire Zayn smiled softly and wrapped an arm around her waist, shuffling her forwards “Antonio this is Claire, my new…uhm”

“Girlfriend” Claire said softly “It’s nice to meet you Antonio”

“And you too Miss Claire, he is lucky to have someone as beautiful as you on his arm” the old man complimented with a teasing smile, Zayn rolled his eyes “When you’re quite done flirting with my girl, two fry ups would be amazing” Zaynsmirked, the old man rolled his eyes

“Of course Zaynie” he replied, his smooth Italian accent in his words “I’ll bring them over to your usual table” Zayn nodded his head and pulled Claire softly towards him, leading her to a small table by the window.

“Here Zayn” Antonio smiled as he placed two plates on the table “Enjoy”

“I always do” he smiled; the old man nodded his head and swept back behind the counter. Claire toyed with her food for a moment before turning to Zayn “You seem very close to Antonio” she noted cutting into a rasher of bacon and eating it, he nodded. Claire nodded her head silently and continued to enjoy the food.

The drive back into the centre of town was much livelier, Claire and Zayn spent the time talking and laughing about his experiences on away trips with hisbandmates. Claire had learnt alot about his bandmates and she loved the way he smiled when he talked about it, he seemed so at peace when he spoke of his excursions. “Just here is fine” she noted as they pulled into a familiar street. Zayn nodded his head and pulled the car up close to a curb. “It was fun” he smiled, she nodded her head

“Yeah” she sighed “It was”

“Urmmmm.... Claire can I do something before you get out of the car?” he asked slightly awkwardly, she bit her lip and nodded her head “If you want to Zayn” she whispered. He smiled awkwardly and leant across the armrest, capturing her lips with his in a soft kiss…

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