Chapter 21 {Best Mistake ever}

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Well, here it is, the final chapter of this story. Gosh I will miss writing it, I love writing about this lad, he's just so adorable! Anyways, fan-girling aside, I would like to thank every one that has messaged and such, they truly mean a lot to me, so a very thank you for that. So, for the final time with this story, read, vote & comment :)

“Where is he?” she demanded fiercely as yet another contraction raced through her body, causing her to lurch forwards in pain. Colleen stared at her hopelessly and shrugged her shoulders “I don’t need I don’t know” she cried, tears slipping down her cheeks as she fell back against the pillows behind her “I need Zayn” she wept. The blonde stepped tentatively forwards and held her friend’s hand reassuringly “He’ll be here honey, I just know he will” she cooed mopping the dark hair from her friend’s forehead. Claire breathed out shakily more and watched as the midwife made her way towards her

“Miss Sanchez, Dr Williams should be with you any minute” she smiled politely “But I need to check how far along we are here, do you mind?” she asked. Claire waved her qualms away and leant back against the bed tiredly. It could have only been half an hour tops, but she was hurting and she was hurting bad. “Oh, it looks like we’re still quite a way off” the midwife smiled as she stood up. Claire groaned somewhat angrily and clapped a clammy hand to her forehead. She was in so much pain she hated to think what it would be like in a few hours time when it came time for her to push her daughter out into the world. She was scared out of her mind and the only glimmer of hope and strength she had was still missing from her side and she was still unaware as to why…

…”You have to be kidding me” Zayn exclaimed as his chestnut eyes traced the winding snake of traffic that led to the city’s centre “Shit” he muttered lowly to himself as he slapped his hands on the wheel of the car. He was nervous enough as it was, he didn’t need this and he couldn’t deal with it. He was scared. Scared about what sort of father he would be. Would his daughter be proud that her dad was who he was? Would his daughter resent him for living life in the limelight? Would he be able to protect her? Questions like those filled his mind as he stared at the slow moving traffic.

Soon they faded, but only to be replaced by questions about him and Claire. They were young, way too young to be dealing with what they were but it had happened. He wondered if they would last, if she would be the woman he was with until the end of his days. If she would be the one he married, if they would have any more kids. As scared as he was about being a dad, he was even more terrified at the thought of losing his girlfriend. He had experienced it once and certainly wasn’t prepared to go through it again, he hated it….

…”Come on Zayn” Colleen muttered as she stared at the door, anxiousness gleaming in her eyes. Claire was struggling, it’d been another hour and she was still someway off bringing her daughter into the world. Colleen was concerned Claire wasn’t speaking much, in fact, the only sounds she made were those that signaled her discomfort as a contraction savaged her innards and calls of Zayn's name. Colleen was scared, she had never seen her friend, no matter how shy she was, so calm or quiet, it signaled that something was wrong. Stepping out of the room, Colleen slipped her phone from her pocket and dialed his number. “Where the hell are you?” she barked as the small footballer accepted her call “Stuck in traffic” he sighed in response “How’s she doing?” he asked concernedly “Is she doing alright?” he panicked. Colleen smiled at the level of his concern and replied that she was doing fine. “Look, I’m about another ten minutes away from the hospital, but with this level of traffic, it could take hours. Just keep her company, tell her that I love her and make sure that I have both of my girls when I get there” he sighed softly, causing Colleen to grin even wider, she was right, they were the most adorable couple she had ever encountered in her life. “I will do Zayn” she smiled “See you soon” she added. Zayn replied with a simple goodbye before the line went dead…

Little Baby Steps (Zayn Malik)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang