Chapter 4 - Im still alive but im barely breathing

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By the time we returned to our teams camp, we were being mauled. I pulled my axe i had gotten from a flying box sent from my mother, who i had no memory of. I ran to see a girl named Lauren attacking one of my not so close friends, Brandon. "Brandon!" I screeched as i ran into war. I looked on the ground to see Loretta laying on the ground, a knife in the back of her head. I ran up to Lauren, assuming she had killed her. Swinging my axe into her head, blood spurt all over me. Horror struck through me and i was soon sparked with anger as i saw my brother fighting a kid named Leo. I then saw Aliza, trapped by a tree, a girl named Chiara about to throw a spear right at her. I started to run, hoping i could kill Chiara first. I couldn't though. As Chiara threw the spear, i started to scream in horror. But to my terror, Matt jumped in front of her, the spear hitting his chest. "NO!" I screeched, horror struck and threw my axe, it landing right in Chiara's back. "HE WAS EVERYTHING I HAD!" I screamed as the other team started to evacuate. "Matt, can you hear me?!" I said desperately. He reached up weakly and brushed the tears from my face and whispered, "I love you..." I started to sob as his eyes glazed over. Anger, grief, depression, all these emotions fell through me as i picked a rose from next to me and placed it on his chest. I looked at Aliza who was whispering goodbye to her friend. She was trying not cry so tears fell silently onto matts red covered body. I got up. I couldn't bare looking at him, gone in an instant. As i turned to walk away, i saw Brandon, who wrapped me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear, "It will all be alright." I hugged him back, sobbing as Brandon drew me into a kiss. It was so familiar to me, he felt like Matt, but Matt was gone. Gone forever. I knew Brandon was jealous of him, but could this really be the end to it? Was this just a bad dream? I knew it was reality but i didn't want to face it. "He's gone..." I whispered. Brandon looked me in the eyes, his hands on my shoulders. "You'll be okay, i'll be here, you dont have to worry. He loved you so much, you know? He told me everyday how lucky he was to have you. Matt was a great person and he loved you so much, he gave his life for Aliza, your best friend. I'll love you just as much if you'll let me." He almost whispered the last part. I nodded. "J-Just give me time..." I whispered and he hugged me. "I'm going to get you food. I'll be back..." I nodded and sat there on the log. Will Matt be okay with this? Yes i will, Sarah. I love you and this will help you. A voice whispered in my head. He really is with me, and i trust him.

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