Chapter 5 - Nobody thinks what i think

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The next day Brandon had asked me if i wanted to go to the beach. I refused. I didnt want him to be a replacement for Matt. Matt was all i wanted, all i had. I soon got up and picked up a knife from our weapon storage. "Im going hunting." I declared, trying to sound tough. "Want me to go with you?" Brandon was the first to ask. I glared at him angrily. "No." I said bitterly and stormed out of camp. Does he really think he can replace Matt? As i trudged through the land and crossed the border onto Team 2's territory, i remembered there was someone who could tell us about our past life. I started to sprint through the field Team 2's camp was on, ducking behind bushes whenever i thought i saw someone. I kept running for a while until i got to the edge of the made up world we were on. There i saw a man standing, kinda young, birthmark on his cheek, bright blue eyes. I ran behind him and tapped his shoulder. Calmly, he spun around. "Have you come to hear about your past, Sarah?" The boy said almost seriously, but friendliness in his tone. How does he know my name, i wondered. "Umm yes...i wanna know if Matt was the boy i was in love with." I murmured shyly. "I'm Troye, by the way. Anyways, no. You two never met. You were in love with another boy, Caspar, who is watching over. Right now, Team 3 is winning, so you better catch up. Caspar is waiting for you." Troye said and disappeared into thin air. All of a sudden, there was an angry voice behind me muttering a curse as i was pushed to the ground. I looked up to see a Team 2 girl. "Who are you?" The girl growled. "I'm Sarah." I replied calmly. Before i could ask why she was attacking me, she just helped me up and wrapped me in a tight hug. "You look so different!" The girl exclaimed, and i recognized it was my old friend, Katelyn. "Katelyn!" I shrieked happily, but tears were falling down my face. I couldn't help remember Matt's death and drew myself from her tight hug as i sat down on the soft grass. "Nobody thinks what i think. Suicide almost every day, how the world we live in can be so cruel, but no one tries to stop it. How killing isn't the answer and how someone can take someones whole world away, by killing them or a close friend, or their true love. Thats how we live now." I sobbed, which basically told her everything that happened. Suddenly, my gazed had blacked out and i couldn't see, couldn't move, couldn't do anything.

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