8- Red Handed

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Matteo's body was laid out in front of me, blood spilling from his corpse as flies started to gnaw on his rotting flesh. "S-Sarah?!" I heard gasps behind me and i spun around. "Traitor!!" Janice screamed. Deanna ran over to her boyfriends body. "Matteo! Wake up! Please!" She pleaded. "Umm Deanna, his heads chopped off. He obviously cannot wake up."  Keegan said. Jackson smacked him. "Let her mourn. I was the same with Isabella..." Jackson muttered and shuffled his feet. "He tried to kill me and he was plotting to kill you all as well. Even Deanna." I tried to explain, but everyone glared at me besides my brother and Keegan. "Yeah right!" Spat Andrew. Jonathan sighed. "Sarah, i believe you, but it would be better if you left-" he started but Keegan cut him off. "If she goes, I go! I don't love her but she's the only part of Aliza i have left." Everyone seemed to already know Aliza and Brandon died somehow. I glared at my brother and I started to walk away but i felt the ground beneath us rumble. The sand and dirt was splitting, multiple people falling into the endless void below. Keegan and i were safe on one side. Jonathan was holding onto a rock, his knuckles pale. "Jonathan!" I shrieked and grabbed his wrist. I tried to pull him up but he was heavy. "Cooperate you stupid ass!" I snapped at him. He dug his feet into the rocks as more Team 1 members fell into the void until we were the only ones left. I had Keegan help me pull him up as the void was soon stitched back together. "Come on, Team 3's all dead, the rest of our teams dead and most of Team 2's dead, we can just kill them off and we'll win." I grinned and pulled a bomb from out of my backpack. "We have to avenge our teams death." Keegan nodded as we headed off to Team 2 camp, to kill them all, to hold the crown above our heads and win the games and see our families once and for all.

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