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IDEA FOR THIS RANT GOES OUT TO Cakeforme  GO CHECK HER OUT! Sorry about it being a small rinky dink chapter!

So in the Ultimate Spiderman show Sam's Mom and sister(Kaelyn I think) are non-existent whereas in the comics they are alive and somewhat present. What's the deal with that? So did they (the show creators) choose not to put his sister and mom in the show or was it just not an important detail? Because if you ask me it seems to be a PRETTY DARN IMPORTANT detail! I would like to add a random fact being that Sam and his Mom and sister lived/live in Arizona! I forgot the city... Paradise perhaps?

Thoughts on the discussion of Sam's Mom and Sister?

Also, check out the Lego show and I Knights! I need a buddy to discuss and ramble to! Don't be shy! I'd like to immediately point out Aaron's my favorite from the beginning and episode 5(Fright Knight) proves my point! Let's just say you have to watch the episode to know what I'm talking about! Please check it out and leave a like and a comment below!

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