Powers and Abilities

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So, I'm making a continuance of 'The Aurora Sphere' per your requests, and I was looking for stuff to put in(#nospoilers), and I started looking at his powers and abilities. AND HOLY SHITAKE MUSHROOMS HE IS IN A LEAGUE OF HIS OWN! 


Telekinesis- User can influence/manipulate/move objects/matter with their mind. is one of the basics of many superpowers that are based on "controlling/manipulating", and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic, particle and universal level. 

Universal Translation-  Speak and translate any language (Self Explanatory)

Breath/Survive in Space, Underwater, etc.- Self Explanatory

Cosmic Awareness- Basically means he's a space encyclopedia

Energy Absorption - The user can absorb various forms of energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.

Energy Manipulation/Energy Projection- The user can release/use energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.

Energy Shield- Self Explanatory (See Energy Manipulation/Energy Projection)

Energy-Enhanced Strike- Self Explanatory (See Energy Manipulation/Energy Projection)

Flight/Levitation-  Self Explanatory

Force Field-  Self Explanatory

Holographic Projection- User can create, shape and manipulate, fully three-dimensional images of the holographed target. As such they are based on sight only and have no effect on other senses or have a physical presence.

Invulnerability-  Self Explanatory

Light Projection- Means he's a light bulb

Power Suit-  Self Explanatory

Super Hearing- Self Explanatory

Super Speed-  Self Explanatory

Super Strength-  Self Explanatory

Teleport-  Self Explanatory

Of course, some if not many of them are from the comics but as almost everyone knows reading this, I tend to smash comic and show together as well as pull in bits and pieces from other movies and other. Personally, I mainly do this because of the lack of information and etcetera on Sam Alexander.  I also have taken the liberty to bold and underline the ones I am most interested and intrigued by and to be honest, after reading the list I think that Sam might be a tad bit OP.

Telekinesis-  *Flings rock to hit Spiderman in the back of his head*

Teleportation-  Like, what if sometime after Sam became a Supernova/gained the black helmet upgrade, they were in the middle of a battle that they were losing, and Sam as beginning to get overwhelmed and started panicking, so he just teleported like a block away completely on accident. And the evil guys were like, WTF, and Sam's team was like, WTF, and Sam was like, WTF?! 

Universal Translation- Speakin' ALL da languages in ALL da worlds, yo! But seriously, I'd love to see a fic where the Guardians of the Galaxy need Sam to be their Translator for some aliens who's language isn't even written or cataloged into any systems. So#Translator!Sam is a thing now. 

Cosmic Awareness- Frickin' space encyclopedia!Sam. IT'S CANON NOW, ALRIGHT! EVEN IF HE'S NOT WEARING HIS HELMET! Also Smartass!Sam correcting the Astronomy teacher.

Energy Absorption-  We've witnessed this first hand in one of the very first episodes titles 'Doomed'. It was the third I think... But that was a powerful shot he just absorbed. OH. MY. STARS! Imagine Sam using some of his energy to help fuel the tri/helicarrier that is falling out of the sky or something! Energy Manipulation/Energy Projection:

Holographic Projection- I can totally see Sam talking animatedly with his hands about a recent mission or something and then all of sudden as he's talking, all the holograms pop everywhere with exactly what he was picturing and imagining. Also Sam creating holograms for demonstrations on how to do stuff! 

Light Projection- Lightbulb!Sam

Super Hearing- Doesn't seem all that interesting but I think it is. Imagine the angst when Sam hears the team talking sh!t about him behind his back(someone should write this!)

But seriously, the story opportunities are endless whether it be Sam finding out about a new power, discovering or unlocking something more, revealing a power that he hid, using a power he said he never would(like use the power absorption on an enemy because it would be cruel).

Comment what you think of them! AND PLEASE WRITE ABOUT SOME OF THEM! I CAN'T DO IT ALL!

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