Headcanon Requests #11

501 26 4

First up is Number 11. requested by Luna5224

Sam has a weak immune system.  

"Do you get this sick often?" Peter asked once as Sam had laid on the couch surrounded by mounds of blankets moaning and groaning. 

"Yup." Sam had rasped out before his eyes widened and his hand flew to his mouth. He jumped up throwing the blankets all around and darted towards the bathroom. Peter had quickly followed, but turned away as Sam lost the contents of his stomach. After he had finished dry heaving a bit, he had walked slowly back to the couch where he closed his eyes.

"So... on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst ever?"

"4. Maybe 3." 

"Really? Give me one of the worst," Peter prompted him.

 "One time, I had gotten the chicken pox and ended up getting Reye Syndrome," he had responded rasping. "My mom had to drive me an hour to get to the hospital with me puking and hyperventilating  in the back seat the whole way."

"Nuh uh!" Peter had shook his head disbelief, knowing how dangerous Reye Syndrome was.  

"Yah, I ended up in the ICU for a week. I ended up falling into a comma for a couple days."

"No way!" Peter was surprised. 

"Funny thing is, all I remembers was puking on a nurse."

"Nice one, dude!" Peter laughed.

Sam Alexander, The Last NovaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ