Task #1

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Jaeyria stared at Eiridan in disbelief as the leader of the three Syrenae strode over to him and began kissing him. He didn't protest. He didn't even move. How dare he? She clenched her fists. He's kissing her instead of me! She wanted to storm over there and rip every silver hair from that vixen's head in that moment. When the woman moved from kissing Eiridan's neck to kissing his lips, she lost it. "You have just crossed your last line, you piece of pond scum," she hissed, stalking in their direction.

As she went, she grabbed a sword from the ground near the stacked crates. The remaining two Syrenae moved to intercept her, and she growled. If they think they're going to get in my way, they have another thing coming, she thought, baring her teeth.

The two Syrenae laughed and waved their hands in unison. Silvery blades materialized from the air, dew condensing on them and dripping down the hilts as the Syrenae tightened their grip on their weapons. They smiled as they drew closer, circling her like wolves circled their prey.

Without warning, they attacked. She clumsily fended off one as she drew a hasty set of glyphs in the air. They sputtered, and she was afraid that she hadn't drawn them well enough to get a result, but then they flared and shot shadowy blades at the second, oncoming Syrenae. She blocked them with her blade as Jaeyria spun away, crouching in front of the two.

They were now lined up behind each other, and the cave's topography kept them hemmed into the corner where she could strike easily. Smiling, she created a small portal and sent shadow knives spinning through it to sink into the back of the first of her opponents.

Sparing a quick glance, she saw red marks on Eiridan's skin from where the third Syren had kissed or touched him. If she didn't stop them soon, the creature would suck away all of his magic and his life force. If she drained his life force, he'd die.

Stupid boy! He's always getting into this kind of trouble. She didn't understand why he wasn't fighting back. Sure, Syrenae had a strong pull on men, but Eiridan knew that, so why not fight it? Is he tired of waiting for me to build up the courage to tell him how I feel? Maybe he doesn't love me anymore... Tears flooded her eyes, but she fought them off, snapping her attention back to the remaining Syren, who was hurtling toward her. Deal with it later. It won't matter if you die here.

The Syren barreled into her, knocking her to the ground, and sending her blade skittering across the damp floor. Her head hit the ground, splashing into a puddle and soaking her hair. She grabbed the Syren's arm, fighting to keep the sword above her head. The thing was too long for the Syren to wield properly at close quarters, but the fight's dynamics altered immediately as the blade morphed into a short dagger.

It inched inexorably closer to her throat, and the blade nicked her skin before Jaeyria was able to force it up again. Hot blood trickled down her neck. Changing tactics, the Syren tried slamming the blade into Jaeyria's face. She grimaced and waited, her heart thumping wildly. At the last second, she jerked her head to the side, and the knife slammed into a crack in the cave's floor. It stuck there, and Jaeyria bucked the lighter woman off with a growl.

The Syren's fingers slipped on the slick hilt of her knife, and she lost her hold on it. Jaeyria hurled her into the wall with an angry shout. She snatched up her knife and stalked over to where the Syren was recovering, slumped against the wall.

Power poured through her like a torrent of water, fueled by the shadowed interior of the cave. She gripped the pommel of her knife tightly. Knowing that every second counted, Jaeyria slammed the blade into the stomach of the Syren she held. It stopped at the hilt, and Jaeyria let go of the Syren as the creature began coughing up silver blood. The thing tried to reach its sword, but Jaeyria drew more runes and used the shadows to snap her neck.

Magi: Jaeyria LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now