Task #2

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A/N: The image above is Jaeyria in manga style. Yeah, I decided to give manga a go. This is the first time I've ever tried, and I was pretty happy with the result. My apologies for the weird angle to the picture. When I scanned it, it did some weird stuff, and I'm not even sure why or how. Anyway, enjoy the entry!


Jaeyria reveled in the touch of his lips against hers and wished desperately that she didn't have to leave him. Why do we need these items so badly, anyway? Can't we just forget them and find someplace to weather the storm together?

Eiridan pulled away, brushing back a strand of her hair. "Don't cry," he whispered. "Jae, please don't cry... We'll get the items together."

She knew they wouldn't. He hadn't figured it out yet, but she had. "I don't want to lose you," she mumbled, running her hands over his chest with a forlorn sigh.

"Why would you?"

Laughing, she reached out to run her fingers along his cheek. "We're here to die, Eiridan. Whatever Vaxon says, I doubt he'll let any of us live. We're a threat, and men like Vaxon don't leave a threat alone. They destroy the threat. He'll destroy us both," she whispered.

"No." Eiridan shook his head. "No. Even if he kills us both, we're not losing each other. We'd find each other again in the afterlife."

Jaeyria sucked in a deep breath and pressed her forehead to his chest. "Maybe," she said, tears dripping down her cheeks. "But I don't want you to die. I don't want you to die because then I might live, and we'd be separated."

Eiridan stroked her hair and put his arms around her waist. "I know... I don't want you to die either. Let's just take it one step at a time, okay? We'll get those magical items and hide someplace, just the two of us."


Jaeyria closed her eyes and fought back the tears as her door rumbled closed behind her, shutting her off from Eiridan and freedom. Her throat tightened, and her breathing became shallow as she pressed her back to the door and dropped to the floor, sitting in abject silence.

The panic welled up, rearing its ugly head inside as she thought about how Eiridan was somewhere in this same mountain, fighting his own demons. She wondered if he was scared. This space was tiny. The passage was long and narrow with a low hanging roof, and Eiridan hated small spaces. Would he think about her to distract himself? That's silly. Of course he won't... Jaeyria bit her lip hard until she tasted blood.

That jolted her out of her panic. It's just my separation anxiety... she thought. Just that... I can handle this. Shaking her head, she repeated it to herself. I can handle this.

Tears fled down her cheeks like the steady dripping of water from a pump. Who am I kidding? Eiridan's all I have left. He's the only reason I'm still fighting. If he dies, I don't have any reason to keep living beyond the time it takes to kill those who took him from me.

With a deep breath, she pushed herself off the floor and took shaky steps further into the tunnel. With a whoosh, torches flickered to life, illuminating the tunnel dimly and casting wild shadows everywhere.

She looked around to get her bearings as she stepped away from the door. On the floor, there was a package. It was wrapped with brown paper and tied with hemp. Kneeling, she picked the bulky object up and tore off the cord.

A slip of paper fell out and fluttered to the ground beside her. She grabbed it and opened it up, wondering who would've sent her a note.

For the boy's sake, side with the Royals. Perhaps if you do, you will both live through this thing. For now, you've proven yourself capable, so take this cloak and use it to defeat the dragon guarding your magical item. It'll lend you invisibility. Beyond that, rely upon your wits. Make it out alive. My husband's betting money on your death, and I don't like losing.

Magi: Jaeyria LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now