Interlude #3

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A/N: I drew the design featured in this interlude on my own palm to give people an idea of what the two should look like together and the size of the marking. The bottom half is a tad different from what I wanted because I couldn't draw the inner knot very well due to size... But it's similar. If you go to the external link I put with this (at bottom of chapter), you can see the symbols separate from each other and read about them.

Jaeyria let the water tug at her clothes as a soft, warm breeze kicked up. Eiridan held her hand tightly as she bit her lip. "What do I have to do now?" she asked.

"The Binding is kind of complicated, but when we're done, it'll determine if we can finish the ceremony."

"How do we know if it will work?"

"If it does, we'll both have a tattoo of something symbolizing us on our palm, and there'll be a ring of some sort tattooed on our ring fingers. If that happens... No, when that happens, we'll seal our vow with the blood oath."


"I'll start. Once it's begun, no more questions, okay? We can't break the ritual."

"Just one more question. What would cause it to fail?"

"Two reasons: first, we're not compatible for some reason; second, we're not completely sure or pure in our intentions."

"That's why you asked me if I was sure earlier."

"Yes. If you're not, this fails, and it'll cause excruciating pain for both of us. Should this fail, we won't have another shot. The ritual won't work again."

She laughed shakily and closed her eyes. "Why do they do this in front of everyone then? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to have a big gathering to have this part fail?"

"Well, yes... But those couples who have gone to the altar already completed this part prior to the finishing rites. The only thing that they need to do is confirm their vows. That's what the gathering is for. To usher the couple into their new life as a confirmed Match."

"Ah..." Jaeyria smiled.

Why didn't any explain that to me? Granted, I haven't attended any Binding Ceremonies, but still... How come I never did? My parents went, but they left me home. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't wanted to go or be involved because it had never seemed important. She didn't know or like the people having Binding Ceremonies, so she'd simply decided not to go. Her parents had been complacent about her refusal, and they'd allowed her to remain home.

"Ready?" Eiridan asked, running his thumb over her lower lip.

"Yes," she said, lifting her chin.

This was what she wanted. She was sure of it, and she was equally certain that she and Eiridan were perfect for each other. The Binding would work. There was no doubt within her regarding that.

Eiridan smiled at her and began the ritual. "Nos quoque oramus et iudicem super nos caelum spectare si parem."

The words were lilting and gentle, and while Jaeyria didn't know what was being said, she knew the words meant she and Eiridan wanted to be Bound. That was all that truly mattered to her, and she pushed away her curiosity. Eiridan told her not to interrupt, so she wouldn't.

"Si parem, respice nos, et det tibi benedictionem," he whispered. "Ut duos angelos in aeternum ut observetis. Ut autem visum benedicimus foedere caelum, et hoc semper praevaricari cuiquam liceat."

She shivered as the water grew completely still, and the wind died suddenly. The chirping of the crickets ceased, and thunder rumbled through the skies as Eiridan continued speaking. Lightning split the sky as he took her other hand in his and whispered, "Iam adiungit potestatem caeli. Quod erat separatum est, unum. Animae ad animam magica magica obligamus nos potestatem caeli."

Magi: Jaeyria LightwoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora