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"Genevieve!" My annoying mum yells at me from downstairs as I was grabbing my bag.

"What is it mum!" I yelled back.

"Don't you yell at me you ass." She sneered at me.

I roll my eyes because she can't see me. "I'm sorry." I respond walking downstairs.

"You ready for primary school?" She grabs her car keys.

"They don't call that here." I complain.

She shrugged it off and we headed to the car. "Remember ask for extra credit don't dally in the halls be like-"

"I know, I know Zoë."

"It's not polite to interrupt ." Her eyes stay on the road.


I walk into a sweaty mess of a hallway people shoving and pushing each other every which way. The inside was a horrid smell I couldn't get out of my nose. I slowly open my mouth to breathe.

I get to my locker and there is a group guys who look like sun goddesses compared to my pale skin. They all had dark brown hair except one with a dashing highlight in his bangs.

"Hullo." My quiet squeaky voice says.

They look at me wide eyed and then smirked at me.

"Can you please move, you're in my way." I quietly murmur.

They looked at each other than nodded they slowly moved out of my way into another locker.

"You're new right." Said the boy with the blonde highlight in his bangs. I nodded. "Where are you from?" He asks.

"London England." I say proudly but still talking softly. The boy looked at the guy with bright blue eyes than looked back at me. The blue eyed boy came up to me.

"You know accents are pretty hot especially British ones." I looked at him than looked away. "Everyone gets sick of the southern accent so British ones are pretty cool." He compliments.

"Thanks." I say slightly blushing. I examined the other two guys that seemed quiet with the same smirk on there face.

"Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself." Spoke the blue eyed boy. "I'm Hayes Grier." He flashes a toothy smile at me.

"I'm Genevieve Taylor." I looked past Hayes and looked at his other friends.

"And you're not going to introduce them to me?" I say giggling. As I said that his friends smiled and fixed their hair.

"This is Grayson," Hayes said pointing to the boy with highlight. "And this is his twin brother. And last but not least this is Jackson."

"But you can call me Jack." He said holding his hand out for me to shake it.

"Jack it is then." I say giggling. We shakes hands and check the time. "Sorry to end this on a short note but I must get going." I say about to walk off.

"Why so soon there is an half an hour left." Hayes pleads.

"I must get to all my class's introduce myself and-"

"What's your first class?"

"AP history." I respond.

"Sweet you have that one with me." spoke Jack. A girl walked by with a love bite on her neck.

"Is that what I think it is?" I question.

"What?" He says confused.

"The love bite." The guys looked at each other in confusion obviously not getting what I meant. "Hickey."

"Yeah the girls here are pretty care free." Ethan says.

I nodded. "Anyway I should get going."

"I'll walk you there if you want". Offered Jack and I nodded.

"What a great idea, c'mon Jack we can't be late."

"I should come to." Spoke Hayes.

"Yeah same for us to." Spoke the twins. I'm not even sure if they have the same class. Jack looked at me but I agreed to let them come. We get to the class room and I set my stuff down.

"You're the new girl right." Spoke the teacher.

"Yes I am." She looked away from me and looked at the guys.

"Mr. Grier and the Dolans what are you doing in this class you don't even have it." She groaned.

"We were showing the new girl around."

The bell rang for class and me and Jack took our seats and Hayes and the Dolans took off.

Classes flew by like a breeze and then it was lunch. In my English class Ethan said I could sit by him and his friends at lunch. I got my lunch pale and walked to the lunch room with Hayes. Ethan waved at me to sit in the middle of him and Grayson.

After I was done eating my food I wanted to know more about the school. "What are the students like here?"

"They are okay, pretty boring. But we're the best people you're ever going to meet here." Spoke Hayes. "Those are the care free people." Hayes said pointing to a group of people wearing loose fitting clothes. "They stay in the clouds if you know what I meant." He says pretending to smoke a joint.

I nod understanding. "Those are the nerds or smart people, don't talk to them."

"But I'm smart." I say speaking up.

"Yeah but you're cute." The rest of the guys nodded there heads in agreement.

"And those are the dumb jocks, and the slutty girls don't talk to them either they will mess you up."

"What are you talking about Hayes you dated one for-" Before Jack could finish Hayes kicked his leg and glared at him. I acted like I didn't see anything.

"Last but not least those are the most boring girls you're ever going to meet."

Lunched ended and I got through the rest of my classes. The first day of school was fun talking to the guys they all gave me their number so we can chat but I know I can't associate with them my mum won't allow it.

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