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The next day I got to school.  So the same old same old. I talked to Jack for a while until Hayes came up.

"Genevieve come with me for a second." Hayes says.


He pulls me around the corner to where no one is at. "Sorry for what I said yesterday but," he pauses. "You can't listen to what the guys say."

"But they're you're friends?" I respond.

"Yeah I know but just please listen and believe me it's for the best."

He walks away and walks past the guys. The guys give me a "what happened" look and I respond with a "I don't even know look"

I walk towards them. "What did he say." Spoke Ethan.

"He just told me not to listen to what you guys say."

"And you're telling us this because?" Said Jack

"Because I believe you guys more than him, what you guys said was true and Hayes is ignoring that fact that it is true."

I see Hayes looking at us from far away. He was watching us.

"You guys are full of nonsense Hayes is right I should have never believe you." I say loud enough so Hayes overheard. Once he left I stopped.

"Ok what was that about." Said Grayson.

"Hayes was watching." The rest of the day I kept my guard up to see if Hayes was watching in on me.

Once it came to lunch I relaxed but didn't sit next to the guys, I sat next to Alice. I heard a crash and put my attention towards the lunch line.

The boy was on the ground looking up at Hayes. "Look Hayes I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry look what you did to my jacket!!" He said putting up a fist.

I cup my hands over my mouth. "Hayes stop." I say in a low whisper. He looks over at me realizing what he has done. He relaxes his fist.

"It's fine." He mumbles to the boy then he stumbles away.

"What do you think that was about?" Spoke Alice.

"I have no idea."

The second part of the day Hayes was more aggressive and had a low tolerance  level. He would argue with teachers, even got sent to the office. What is he trying to hide or at least not tell me.

The school day ends and I wait for my mom to pick me up. I jump into the car. "Hello mum."

"Hello." She says pulling out of the parking lot.

"How was your da-"

"Look at that boy, he looks like barbaric how he is dressing." Mum said in disgust.

It was towards Hayes.

"It's not his fault how he dresses, maybe he just doesn't care." I play with my fingers.

"Do you know him." She sneers.

"No." I say gulping.

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