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"How was your weekend Genevieve." Said Alice while she was shuffling though papers.

I remember the night where my mother yelled at me. "It was boring, but how was yours."

"I hung out with my mom the whole time, we went to thrift shopping it was so fun." She squeals.

"Oh fun." I smile. Why can't I do that.

Before I could look at her again she sprinted back to join her friends they all look so happy together.

The guys hold me back.

I head off and join the guys wherever they are. I find them at a table arm wrestling to see who is stronger. It was against Grayson and Hayes.

"You're not gonna win Gray." Hayes says even though he was losing.

"Oh yeah watch me." Said Grayson wining the arm wrestle.

"This is complete bullshit." Hayes yells in frustration.

"Your just-" Grayson try's to say.

Before Grayson could speak Hayes throws a chair and storms off. I turned at the guys to see there reactions. They acted like nothing happened.

"Did you not just see that." I yell.

"Oh yeah we've seen that for the last 10 years of his life." Said Jack.

"When Hayes was 10 he would throw tantrums and get really mad and always do something involving violence." Grayson says.

"On his 11th birthday his mom rented him a bouncy hair and it rained, he started to throw punches at the rain." Spoke Ethan. "He would fight anything and anyone."

"Then why hasn't he shown any of it to me until now." I asked curious.

"He likes you and didn't want to scare you off." Said Jack.

"Then why are all of you still friends with him?"

"He needs us whether he admits it or not."

The bell rang and I went to class as did the others. When I had class with Hayes the sweet caring Hayes. I didn't want to talk about what happened in the morning but it all just spilled out.

"Why did you throw the chair earlier and get so angry."

His smile faded. He set down his pencil and faced directly towards me. "I just got mad, it's nothing really. Since we're friends you should get used to it."

"But no one gets so mad that they throw a table." I insist.

"Well I do so why don't you just drop it." He yells leaving the class. I was surprised he even said that. After our "casual" conversation I went back to my work.

The bell rang to go to lunch and I was the last one out of the classroom. As I was in the doorway Hayes grabbed my wrist and led me to a supply closet surprising me.

"Don't listen to what the guys say." He says in a whisper tone. And with that he left.

As I went to lunch I sat by Jack and Ethan and stayed away from Hayes. It's not that I'm mad at him it's just that I need to think.

No Such Thing As Love| h.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora