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Saturday was a lazy day my mum and I cleaned the house for when her friends come for supper.

"Genevieve can you vacuum the upstairs and the stairs." Spoke Mum


I hate vacuuming the stairs they're swirly and it takes a lot of work. To make it better I turn on some music in my iPod and put on some ear phones. I start to hum to the music.

After about 15 minutes I finish with the stairs and I go to vacuum the hallway upstairs and the rooms.

About 15 minutes later I have finished vacuuming.

I put the vacuum away and un plug my ear phones.

I check my phone and no notifications, I wonder what the guys are doing this evening.

My mum calls to me "Genevieve can you go pick up some flowers and basil at the store."

"Sure mum, can I use the car."

"No just walk you'll be fine and bring a umbrella it's sprinkling outside."

I grab a rain coat and a umbrella and I start to walk. As I close the front door I go towards Jacks house to see if he wants to walk with me to the store.

I knock on his door and his mom opens up.

"Hello is Jack there I'm one of his friends."

"Yeah he is just in his room, let me call for him."

When his mom finishes Jack comes to the door.

"Do you want to walk to the store with me?"


We walk to the store and made small talk along the way until we get there. I offer him my umbrella but he politely declines.


"So what do you need at the store?" Jack asks

"Flowers and basil."

We go to the flower section and find loads of flowers.

"Do you know what kind she is looking for?"

"No she just wants something pretty."

"How about tulips?"

"No but thanks."

"How about-"

I cut him off "How about Daisies!" I say louder than I should a have.

He starts to chuckle

"Sorry I cut you off." I say putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine."

"So is where is the basil isle?"

"Oh here I'll show you."

We go into the spiced isle and see Hayes making out with some random girl.

"Hayes." I say in a low whisper

"Hayes what the hell man." Spoke Jack

He turns around with a blank expression

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