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The next day I woke up and decided to put on a collared sweater with leggings and brown boots. As I approached school the guys ran up to me.

"You look nice today." Grayson compliments.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself."

The guys spent the morning following me around, which was weird because that's all they did.

"I'm going to the rest room." I say cautiously. I start to walk then I turn back around. "It's ladies only." I told them. They stopped as I finally walked inside. Finally some time to myself, my thoughts we interrupted by a girl crying in the stall.

"Are you okay in there?" I say lightly knocking on the door. The door slowly crept open since the lock was broken. I covered my eyes before I saw anything.

"Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. Uh are you okay. Can I uncover my eyes now."

"Yeah, yes you can." She says.

I slowly open my eyes reveling a girl with a deep natural tan and relaxed curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She wasn't much shorter than I was guessing on the height since I'm 5'7 she must have been 5'6.

"I'm sorry for the commotion, I-i my partner for science flaked out and I'm left with the project that's worth all my grade and." She goes on.

"Calm down it's going to be okay". I say in a calm voice, It must have worked because she stopped crying.

"Would it be to much to ask if I could ask you to help me out it would really appreciate it."

"Sure." I say smiling. I give her my hand and she gets up.

"Your Genevieve right?"

"Yeah and you are."

"I'm Alice." She extends her hand out and I shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you Alice." I smile.

We walk out and the guys are gone thank goodness.

"I'll show you to the science room." Said Alice. We head to the science room "You're the new girl that all the bad boys have fallen for."

"I wouldn't say they have fallen for me but yes that's me." I say slightly blushing. All morning we finish up her science experiment. "I better head off to class see you around Alice."

I leave and head to class with Jack.

"Where have you been all morning." He says in a whisper tone writing down notes.

I put my name in the paper. "I was in the Science room."

"Well me and the guys missed you." I don't reply instead I focus back on the lesson. I finished all my homework in my morning classes now time for lunch. I see Alice on the way and invite her to seat by me.

"So where do you sit." She stops mid sentence her mouth hung open. "You sit by them."

I ignored her comment and walked past sitting by Hayes and motioned for Alice to sit by me. She rushed over to sit by me.

"Why were you so nervous to sit by me?" Before she could answer the got interrupted by the guys.

"Hey Genevieve!" They all said at once.

"Hey guys this is Alice." They all stopped smiling and looked at her with blank faces not saying anything.

"What's wrong?" I say confused.

"Genevieve it's been fun having lunch but I should get going." She gathers up her stuff gets up and races out practically running away from me.

"Where are going lunch isn't even over yet." I yell over the sound of kids but she was already gone.

"Phew so glad she is gone she was a really buzz kill. I just like having you here." Hayes got up and sat on the other side of me.

"What are you talking about, she was fun." Not really but still.

"Why did you bring her over you know you have us." Ethan says and the guys nod.

I push my lunch away. I guess it's for the best can't have anyone holding me back especially with my strict mom micromanaging me all the time. Lunch ends and I pick up my stuff and go.

"You okay?" I turn around and see Jack.

"Yeah I'm fine." I push out a smile.

"Sorry for what Hayes said back there he doesn't like new people sitting by him when he didn't invite them to. He's very exclusive for who he wants to be seen with, but he's a good guy."

I smile at him. "Yeah it's fine."

I get through the rest of the day and I wait for my mom to pick me up. I see Hayes approach me I turn around fast hoping he didn't see me looking at him.

"Are you still mad?"

"No." I say quickly I can't have my mom see me talking to anyone especially a guy.

"Is everything alright?" He questions coming closer to me.

"Yes Hayes everything is alright." I reassure him.

"Genevieve!! Genevieve!'." I hear my mom hollering  at me. I try not to face Hayes.

"Who is that-"

"Coming mum." I jog away from Hayes I didn't even say bye to him.

"Who was that lad?" She questions pulling out of the school.

"Just some random boy." My mum looks at me eyeing suspiciously.

"Genevieve you don't have time for friends especially boys."

"Yes mum." I say looking down.

"People who look down have bad posture." She nags not taking her eye off the rode.

We reach home and I rush to my room. I set down my bag and I start to read a book. I couldn't help but wonder what Hayes is doing right now.

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