12 - Devil's Fist

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-December 12, Los Angeles CA-

The smell of roses seems to linger as this girl I just met drags me down the alley opposite of the bar.  To our left is an open lot that’s partly fenced off with some of the fence broken, that was where Aleniese landed when he first brought me here in the vision.  The girl drags me around a sharp bend and away from the open lot.  We are now in a small gutter between two old brick buildings with barely enough room for us to fit and a large street at the other end of the opening. 

She pulls me through quickly, with no regard to if my body actually hits the walls or not.  My car.  I see my car right there; I parked it just to the left of this gutter.  We come out onto the street again, the bar is now only one building away and the crowd from it is starting to spew this way, some going home others watching the building continue to collapse a bit more as a fire engine approaches.  That means police are close behind.  She heads away from the bar but I pull her the other way, back to my car, “This way,” I say.

She, refusing to let go, tries to pull me the other way saying, “No, we have to get away. Now.” 

I fumble through my pocket and find the keychain for my Camry, pushing the unlock button once.  The car beeps and the lights on the front flash once.  She sees and turns around; we both get in the car, me as the driver and her as the passenger.  I start driving.  Everything still smells like roses.  What just happened in there?  I ask, “What was that?”

“Just drive,” she says.

I suddenly feel very self-conscious to the fact that I have no shirt, being unable to grab it as we fled the bar.  That brings up another issue; I left evidence of my presence everywhere in there: my shirt, my skin, my fingerprints on that waiter’s neck, even evidence left behind by intercourse.  With three bodies to boot I’m totally boned.  She didn’t do much better, leaving just as much evidence.  We’re going to get caught and I’m going to spend the rest of my life in jail.  Fuck man.

“Holy shit, calm down,” she says, almost sensing my internal freaking out.  This is when I notice I’m sweating even with the AC blowing on my bare skin and a window cracked to the cool night breeze.  My hands are shaking on the wheel and my eyes seem to be darting everywhere in my thoughts.

“Calm down? I don’t even know who the fuck you are. And what we did in there… and three people are dead.  Three!”  I look up, just realizing I ran a red light.  In my rear view mirror I see the light I ran turn green, well at least it’s the middle of the night and no one is on the road.

“Do you want me to drive?” she asks, not quite as frazzled by the bar as I am. 

“No. I got it.”  I can see she’s drunk.  I watched her from the rafters for quite some time and seeing how many drinks she had I have no interest in dying.   Shit, I thought Aleniese sent me to that bar to save the boy’s life, not be the sole one responsible for his death. 

“Why were you watching me from up there?” she asks, adjusting her jacket so it’s straight in front of her.  I can see a wet spot on the back of the seat where her alcohol saturated clothing has been touching it.  I’m sure that’ll do wonders for the rental company. 

So shit, she saw me up there?  I guess that could have been why she was looking up near the end.  “I, I thought you were… cute?” that is not going to fly. 

“Turn left up here,” she points at the street just before the highway on ramp I was planning on pulling onto to get the hell out of the city.  I’m still too startled to question and take the side street.  Everything is dark except the High Sun, a small motel half a block down the road, “Pull in there.”  The High Sun, why are we going here? I pull into the spot next to reception and she opens the door, “Stay here,” she says closing the door and doing a quick walk towards the staircase for the second floor.

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