16 - The Brewing Storm

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 Enjoy - very fast update for me!  If you're still following the story and got this far please VOTE and consider sharing with friends - it's the only way R content gets any notice now that it's out of the rankings!

- December 19, Kamloops, BC –

I caress the knife next to my plate and stare blankly at the empty dish in front of me.  I haven’t ordered yet.  I look up; there is a single chair at the other side of the table from me, empty.  I glance back down at the plate and the menu in my lap.  It’s a choice between a burger or steak, I don’t really want either—there’s still something I want more.  I look up at the chair; I want that seat to be filled.

We got to Kamloops Canada several hours after burying Jenny’s body and have been here the entire weekend.  Dinner, we were supposed to have actual dinner together.  She directed me to some local diner near our motel but hasn’t showed up.  It’s been a real mystery, what she’s been doing most the weekend, but she’s has the truck and even got her own motel room separate from mine—for what reason I’ll never know.  Is this really business only for her? 

A weekend off after a week of traveling and I hardly even saw Clarine.  All I know is that it has something to do with preparing for the journey.  But really, we have a forty some hour drive through the middle of nowhere Canada and Alaska.  No one lives in most of these parts and it should be fairly easy driving.  Sure its early December and sure they’ll be some snow, but nothing we won’t be able to handle with a more than capable off-road prepared truck.  The truck may be old, but it’s still in perfect working condition. 

Taking a mysterious weekend to prepare for a four or five day trip seemed a bit unnecessary.  The bell on the door of the place jingles and I look up, it is her, Clarine, but she isn’t alone.  Behind her are a husky looking man and a skinny one, both have full beards, hefty trousers, black boots and large coats over their shoulders.  She looks around and her eyes catch mine.

Her hair is down, as it typically is, and she has the same get up as the day I met in in LA, a thin black jacket and dark blue skinny jeans, except it couldn’t be since we lost that jacket in my wrecked rental.  She must have bought new clothes which means, with all luck, new winter wear for me too. 

She waves and I wave back.  She looks at the table and gets up to me to say, “We need a bigger table.” She points at a four person table across the aisle from the one I am at.  I shrug and stand up, “This my boyfriend Tom.” She says to the two men following her. So, we’re doing this again.  “Tom, this is Craig and Henderson.  They are trucking past Fairbanks tomorrow.  We’re going to tag along with them because these roads can be treacherous around this time of year, since this is the time for sporadic weather.  Should be a two, maybe three, day journey, non-stop except short breaks for gas and small down times along the road.”

“I missed you too love.” I walk over giving her a light kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the new table.  She sits down next to me and the two truckers sit across, the side with the aisle “We’ll buy.” I say, smiling at the truckers.

“All right then.” The bigger man grunts as he reaches behind him to get the menu I abandoned on the other table.  He opens the page and looks for two seconds before handing the menu over to his partner.  I give an uneasy look over to Clarine before a waiter with a frilly low-cut dress is able to get to our table with the proper number of menu’s and a plate of fresh bread, the same size of plate I had just cleared from the single table. 

She drops menus in front of each of us and with a big smile says, “Can I get any of you something to drink?” 

“Beer.” The big one, presumably Craig, says. 

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