13 - Desert Run

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-December 12, North of Lancaster CA-

Aleniese jumps away shortly after leaving Clarine face first and out cold in the desert.  I look around, there’s nothing, and I mean nothing here.  The only thing we have going for us is the fact that it’s not the damn summer so at least we won’t roast out here.

I look down at Clarine again; I’m not sure why I didn’t help her when Aleniese was pushing her around, when he was trying to kill her, or when he showed her his true eyes.  It was like something had a hold of my mind and all I could do was stare blankly at the scene until Aleniese did what he needed to do.

The sun seems to burn her skin, then I remember something about her saying she’s a vampire.  If that’s true wouldn’t sunlight be toxic to her? Wouldn’t it kill her?  I’m not sure how all the mythology behind vampires works, but I figure there has to be some truth behind it.  I have to get her out of the sun.  I move over and wrap my arms under hers.  She’s heavier than I expect and I can see blood on her neck, forehead, and the back of one of her arms as I lift her, these are all scrapes inflicted by how rough Aleniese was to her.

I drag her a bit and look behind me, seeing the car as the only thing elevated high enough off the desert floor to cast a decent amount of shade.  I pull her to the car, creating a trail on the cracked earth.  Once up at the car I wipe the sweat beaded up on my brow look around for something to better cast a shadow.  The sun is pretty vertical to the ground right now so what’s left of the car isn’t actually casting much of a shadow in either direction.  Oh, fuck you Aleniese for smashing my damn car again, fuck you.

I look around for something to cover her.  The jacket she threw into the back of my car last night is pinned down under metal; the seat covers are also pinned.  Then I notice the passenger door is hanging by a few wires, the rest completely smashed off the frame.  That’ll work.  I grab the door and shake it, causing the glass from the broken window to fall off onto the road.  I tug hard at the door, breaking a wire, and then pull again, breaking another.  One more tug and the last wire breaks causing me to stumble backwards, but not quite fall over. 

I shake the door again, causing more glass to fall and walk over to set it on the hood of the car.  I then drag Clarine over to the back end of the car, next to the flat rear tire and lean her against a smooth part which of the frame which didn’t get bent out when the car was crushed.  I then grab the loose door and rest it above her and against the car, creating a teepee over her and putting her entire body in the shade.

She’s safe, now what?  Then I remember she has two bags she brought with her from that motel, those bags are in the trunk and the trunk looks noticeably un-smashed compared to the rest of the vehicle. I reach into my pocket and pull out the key, I then stick it into the keyhole and turn, thankfully the trunk pops open and with very little resistance and I’m able to pry it open enough to see her two bags. 

Both bags appear to be tossed in the crushing, but luckily they are pressed right up against the rear door, making it so that nothing actually got crushed or pinned down by the metal. I grab both bags, one with each hand, and tug.  They come out, no issues, then I pull them the rest of the way out of the trunk and using my elbow close the trunk again so I can set both bags on the fairly smooth surface. 

Okay, let’s see if she has anything useful.  I zip open the first bag, a bag that looks like a large hiker’s pack, leaving the second bag, a duffle alone.  The bag is stuffed pretty full, there are a couple old looking boxes, clothes, what looks like a first aid kit, more clothes and—I reach my hand all the way down to the bottom, something cool and metal.  I pull the metal out.  It’s a black pistol, maybe an M9, but I can’t be sure since my knowledge of guns only comes from video games. 

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