8 - Heart Breaker

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-November 28, San Diego CA-

It’s Sunday, which means no work today, even if I only ended up working two days in the last week, Friday and Saturday.  It’s been a full week now since Rebecca and I had sex in my room that night—her tests are still coming up negative.  Even so, the constant checking didn’t seem to stop us from having sex.  You know when we both agreed those condoms would never be used?  Turns out to be a huge lie, we went through three of them in the last two days and Rebecca is supposed to come over today to make use of one more. 

Sad thing is she’s supposedly on birth control, so the use of the rubber is purely for the experience, since not a single one of them is just a piece of plastic—there always seems to be something thrown in to make the sex more interesting. 

But it isn’t the fucking tonight I’m looking forward to, it’s the car dealership we have an appointment for in the next couple hours.  Yeah, the insurance guy came out to check out my car—even if he had no idea what caused it the damage was marked as vandalism and while the insurance processes the damage dealt into a check to buy a new one I get a rental.  Even if I only had to take the public transit to work the last two days it was a nightmare, I can’t wait to get myself a car again, even if it is just temporary.

In other news I’m still trying to put together what Aleniese is trying to tell me and why this demon is so against me being with Rebecca.  What could possibly go wrong, what does he see that I simply don’t?  I mean, we’re perfect together.  She and I have loved each other for years—without ever saying it.  This relationship is perfect.  I’ve set up everything between us in memory, first time we had sex was about two years ago when a bunch of people from the restaurant went out and got wasted, both completely intoxicated we ended up screwing in the back of my car.  I look outside at the empty spot where it was, yeah that car—the one Aleniese crushed that got towed to the junkyard yesterday.

She and I stayed distant then for almost an entire year—work glances, half smiles—but never making contact, until about a year later.  That year she ended up babysitting someone from corporate’s house—you know a big boss in the restaurant chain.  I ended up there with her for the hot tub; she had her niece over there with her.  After a few mixed drinks her niece ended up in the guest room and us in my boss’s bed.  Let’s just say fondling turned into full intercourse.  Yes, I’m proud to say I’ve had sex in my boss’s bed.  Third time I’ve been over before, that happened after the restaurant’s Christmas party—my place—cause at that time I had just recently moved in.  Never in those three cases or the countless times we went to movies, card-nights or parties did I ever see anything wrong or off with her.   Never.

My front door swings open suddenly—slamming into the wall.  I didn’t have it locked.  I slip out of my room to see a puffy-cheeked Rebecca stomping almost violently towards me.  “What, what is it?”  I say, turning back into my room and quickly hitting the power switch on my computer to hide my notes.  She doesn’t stop—instead she just runs into me, pushing me back onto the bed.  I fall and her fingers go for my belt, undoing it and pulling my zipper down, “What is going on!” I yell trying to smack her hands away from my pants as she tries to pull them down.

She fights me without speaking and manages to, with one good yank, get my jeans down past my knees “I, I need you.” She says through heavy sniffing—I can tell she’s been crying, possibly the entire way here—what’s gotten into her? 

She quickly undoes her own pants—shorts—she must have gone home and changed before coming her after work.  She pulls her underwear down and of and pushes me further up the bed only to jump on top of me.  I let out half a laugh, “Okay…” I say as I reach for the box of condoms on my nightstand.

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