19 - Salvation

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Another long chapter - Vote and enjoy!

-December 22 Fairbanks, AK-

Wood splinters everywhere as we duck behind the counter, “Holy shit!”  I shout as I pull Lil around the corner.  I dare to peak my head up over the top next to the register.  There are two bodies on the floor, the rest of the people in the diner were able to bail out of the front or rear door before the second volley was fired.  I pull my head back down, and look at options.  My shotgun is empty and all I have back here is knifes, dishes, and a few bottles of liquor.

“What the hell did you bring into my diner!”  We look over; on the other side of the counter and also ducking below is what looks like the owner, a bald man in a white shirt and apron.  Lil nods her head silently at the man.  He looks over at a holster in front of him goes to stand up, “Stop shooting at my damn—” a single bullet, silent because all the front windows are already broken. 

Blood sprays from a point on his forehead and the bottle of tequila directly behind him shatters.  His body goes still as a board and tilts backwards as his joints lock up.  His head slams into a shelf a liquor and the entire rack breaks and falls, several bottles of vodka smash down onto the counter, but only a couple actually break wafting a heavy smell into the area.  His body slides down, rolls off the counter behind him and hits the floor, going still.  The vodka slowly drips off the counter and mixes with the blood running down from his forehead. 

They shot him, they just shot him.  I turn around and look at Lil; she has this innocent and shocked face, her eyes refusing to leave the fallen bartender, “What the hell did you do?” I ask as several more bullets whizz into the diner and I can hear the chairs and tables tumbling over as well as more the bottles above us crack and break, spraying us with alcohol.

“Nothing!” replies.

The sudden sound of a very loud gun comes from outside and the bullets begin bouncing off the steel counter.  These bullets are much larger and louder than the previous ones.  The shelf above us breaks and more of the unbroken bottles fall, a nearly filled bottle of whisky lands right between me and Lil and brown fluid and glass sprays both of us.  I cringe and look at my hands, there’s blood all over them and I can see several pieces of glass sticking out.  Shit.  “Nothing my ass.  They wouldn’t have a fucking machine gun if you did nothing.  There’s no way anyone would go to this extent for a little girl who can change her damn eyes!”

I look up.  The last shelf above us starts to tilt.  I reach over and grab Lil, pulling her over to me.  I tumble backwards, landing on the owner’s body, right as the wood and glass crash down in a soaking wet heap where she was not two seconds ago.  What the hell do we do?  I roll off the body, not wanting anything to do with it.  That holster.  There’s a shotgun in it, I go to tug, and the shotgun is stuck.  I pull harder and look to see there’s some kind of lock on it, a combination lock, are you fucking kidding me?  Who the hell locks a gun in a holster, how are you supposed to guard yourself in a moment’s notice if you can’t even get the gun? 

Fuck, we have nothing.  “Will these work?” Lil asks as she pushes up against the back end of the counter and reaches past the locked up weapon to a box of what look like shells.  She hands me the pack and I look at them, I really have no idea.  Hell, I don’t even know how to open my damn weapon. 

“I’m not sure, let me see,” I say as I mess around with the silver shotgun.  I finagle with the handle for a bit before the entire handle comes loose revealing what looks like a neat little place to put the shells.  Cool, now it makes sense why the weapon seems to have no clip; it’s hidden in the handle.  “Quick,” I say, picking up a couple of the shells and feeding them into the handle, “as many as we can fit.”  Lil helps, after about nine or ten we can’t push the shells in further. 

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