Chapter 5: My Only Chance

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I was walking with Yukki through town,it was the day I was going to dule with Asuna. "Yukki?' ' Yeah Yn?' 'What if I don't make it in the guild?..." There was silence for what seemed like forever, bit then she said "Then I won't join,Im not doing this without you" She smiled at me,and I smiled back.


I was standing in the middle of the arena eye to eye with Asuna "You ready?" Asuna said "Oh I was born ready' 'Don't you be getting cocky" The count down started.

"10,9,8,7..." Everyone was shouting "3,2..." One...

I ran straight towards Asuna aiming for her side,but she dodged my attack then struck me from behind. I turned and gave her a glare,she smirked. "Aagghhh" I yelled slashing her Sword out of her hand. She looked at the sword then me,I smiled "Am I in yet?" I then pushed her down and swung my Sword up,I aimed for her shoulder. I gave her a little cut,and that was enough to make her HP bar go yellow.

"Yeaaahhh!!!" Everyone was cheering. I won! 'Congratulations, Yn Wins!' The sign said. "Wow,I'm impressed" I looked at Asuna and helped her up,I was impressed with myself to. I never thought I could do that. "You are definitely in the giuld' 'Really?!! Oh my god!! Thank you!!"

I ran out of the arena and went straight to Yukki "I'm in! I'm in!!!" I said tackling her. "That's awesome!! Let's go get our new gear!!!" I nodded my head excitedly and we ran to the guild shop and got our gear,mine fit perfectly!!! "Wow,this is amazing!!! Okay,now on to training"

Me and Yukki got different missions to go on,all I had to do was go find some rare items and kill a couple of monster's,the guy I was with was a huge perv though. "Hey? Yn,maybe after this you could come over to my place and show me your rear item eh?' 'Hell no!!! And I already told you, I'm not into you. So stop trying to hook up with me and let's finish this mission, okay?"

We were hiding in a cave,there was a huge dragon that we had to kill to get the last item I needed. I was looking around the corner when I felt something slap my butt "Hey" I wanted to yell,but I couldn't. I turned around and look at the man with a beat red face. "Hey,your sexy butt was there,and I couldn't help myself" I rolled my eyes and kept watching for the dragon "Here it comes...NOW!!!"


I was walking with Asuna through the halls of the guild. She was just telling Yukki and I about the rules of the guild,and how we were going to be in the back of battle's till we reach level 80. I was 75,ill be on the front lines in no time!

"Yn" Asuna said with a worried look on her face "Yeah?" "C-can I talk to you? Alone please?" She gestured towards Yukki,I looked and Yukki and nodded and she walked off "Okay,what's wrong?" Asuna looked at me with a serious expression. "I need to talk to you about something really important to me"

"Um..." I thought to myself for a moment, what could she possibly want to tell me?

"Okay,sure" I said

"Okay,I've been in the guild for about half a year now,and I just wanted to fight on the front lines. I've seen how strong you are,you beat me in a duel. *sigh*"

I was getting worried, did she want to quit or something? "Asuna? What is it? You can tell me" She looked straight at me "I don't want to be second in command any more...will you take my place?..."

I couldn't believe what she was saying, me second in command? When I just joined the guild.

"Asuna..I just joined,what's the commander going to say?"

"I talked to him while you were on that mission,and he said that all I had to do was ask you and you two will figure the rest out later!" Asuna put her hand on my shoulder,I looked at the ground and thought 'is this really happening?'

"This is for real? I will be second in command? Fighting on the front lines and leading boss battles." She nodded. "Okay,I'll do it!"

"Yeah! Can't wait for our next battle miss second in command" She said loudly "Shhh! Don't blurt that out just yet" I said holding my finger to my lips "Opps... I mean miss second in command" she whispered to me. 'Dam! Thing's are moving fast for me' I thought as me and Asuna started walking.


Hey guys,that's the end of this chapter. What did you think? Should I go to the boss battle or make the next chapter were you and kirito help yorako I think it is.
Please comment. Thanks to everyone who reads my book. Next chapter will be longer,well depending on what I decide to write about. Anyways!

By,till the next chapter!!!

*Blue cat walks in* "Eye!!"

*Pick hared guy looks around the corner* "Happy? You there?"

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