Chapter 6:Safe Zone Kills

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It's been about 7 month's since I became second in command, and today was the first time I would be leading a boss battle. The meeting was being held in a cave on floor 64. I've had the battle planed out for a week now! I couldn't wait for this!


"Lure it to the village, that's how we'll get the boss!" I yelled and smacked my hand down on the map of "You can't!" Somebody said,I was looking around to see Kirito coming up to me.

"And why not?"

"Because the people of the village will g-" I cut him off saying "what? You really think there real people? They can respawn,we can't. If we die in the game we die in real life!"

"Well I just don't work that way,so count me out" I had no choice, I had to make a battle for in the boss room I couldn't lose our best male player of this boss fight "Fine! We'll search for the boss room"

He turned around with a smirk on his face "Good. Everyone can go now!" He yelled when that was my job!

Asuna and I were walking out of the cave "un,you were great! Don't worry about Kirito" The thing was,for some reason all I could think about was him!

"I think I want to be left alone for a while" Asuna nodded and walked away.

I went for a walk myself,I ended up in a field. And there was a tree towards a road, I decided I needed to get back to the guild to the guild to help Commander Hethclift. I walked over to the tree to find Kirito! He was laying down under the tree. Man am I mad at him.

"Well look at that" his eyes met mine "what do you want?" He said in an annoyed voice "everyone is out getting ready for this fight and trying to find the boss room while your here slack-" he cut me off.

"This is Aincrads best weather,today it's at its most optimal setting, so why not enjoy it? If you layed down for a bit you would understand" I stood there watching him fall asleep, the breeze in the air felt so nice. He was right,so I played down next to him. I was scared that I would get in trouble, but as I fell asleep next to him,I wasn't so scared anymore.


I woke up to a beautiful sunset.... Wait a minute!!! Sunset!? How long
I been sleeping?! I looked around to see if anyone was near by. I looked towards a rock fence to see Kirito staring at me! I shot up and drew my sword, Kirito jumped behind the fence. "One meal" I said putting my sword back.


"You get one meal,then we'll be even. Alright?!"

"Y-yeah sure!" I looked over to him "lets go then" I started walking and jumped over the rock's, he followed behind. I wasn't mad at him,I was just surprised he stayed to watch over me....maybe....I kinda liked him....

Kirito POV (finally)

We were in the restaurant, yn was sitting across the table from me. Everyone was looking at us "hey,isn't that (bad ass name of your choice)?" I heard people whisper "Yeah,but who's the shady looking guy? I don't know" I was really annoyed.

"Thank you....for today.." Yn said to me

"Y-yeah,no problem. I mean you would do the same for me,right?" She just gave me a nod. "Ahhhhh!" Me and yn shot up out of our seat's and looked at each other then we ran out of the restaurant.

We ended up by this building with someone stabbed with a sword and hanging from the building! "Hand on! Help is on the way!" I yelled, I looked at yn,she ran inside of the place. "Cut the rope! I'll try and catch him!" I was watching the man struggle before he disappeared and died.


The man died before I could get to him 'but how? This is a safe zone!' I thought, I came back down to Kirito and the crowd "Everyone! Look for the winner's sing!" Kirito yelled,I looked around but nothing was showing up"Did anyone see anything?! " I yelled. A girl with purple hair came up to us

"Hi,I'm Yorako" She said with a shaky voice "was that you who screamed?" Kirito asked. She nodded "he was my friend. We were walking together and I hared someone say my name so I turned around then the next thing I new....he...." She started crying, I went over and rubbed her back. She was shaking "it's okay,can you tell me who you think would do this?" She shook here head.

Me and Kirito exchanged looks "well why don't you sleep on it and we'll figure this out tomorrow" Kirito said. So we decided to walk Yorako back to her home.


"Thank you for walking me home,I'll see you guys tomorrow" Yorako said walking inside "well,looks like well be working together for a while Kirito" he looked at me confused "Y-yeah,I guess we will be" I went over to him "well this means no fighting on the front lines for either of us till we figure out what's going on here. So lets figure this out soon" I held out my hand "Partner"

"Yeah,right!" He nodded and shook my hand,it was so warm. I let go blushing "Are you alri-" I cut him off "I'm fine,I just need sleep,we'll meet at the restaurant tomorrow I'll bring Yorako. Okay?"

"Okay,see you tomorrow" he started walking away 'why? Why do I feel this way about him!?'


Well that's it for this chapter! Hope you guys are enjoying my book,I'm going to be working on another xreader. Can you guys guess what it is? Well let's see. Anyways, hopefully I'll update soon!

Till the next chapter ma peeps!

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