Chapter 41: Tricksters

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Okay in this next chapter, anytime it says "Brianna" it's not actually Brianna, it will be her body but everything involving her will be the nogitsune side of her.

Third Person POV (I'm not good writing in 3rd but I can't write in 1st so I'll try my best.)

Malia, walking down the halls of Eichen, excited to leave, held her bag and broken sword in her possession. 

"Do you know where you're going?" Ms. Morrell asked, trailing behind her.

"No, but I know who I'm looking for." Malia said, annoyed. 

"Scott McCall." Morrell said, earning Malia's attention to stop and turn around.

"You know him?"

"I can tell you where to find him." As she said that, "Brianna" came around the corner. 

"That won't be necessary," Brianna said approaching them, smirk plastered on her face and her stuff in her hands. "Scott is my friend, so is Malia. So, I'll take it from here."

She took a hold of Malia's hand and dragged her behind as they continued to walk towards the exit. 

"Leaving so soon, Brianna? I thought you had another two days." Morrelle said, completely aware that it wasn't actually Brianna.

She stopped in her place and turned back around. "I'm cured." Her and Malia soon began their exit.

As they walked out of the last set of doors and out the gates of the courtyard, Malia felt this rush of adrenaline, her eyes flashing a light crystal blue.


"Coming in on a Saturday?" Stiles asked, strolling into Mr. Yukimura's classroom, Brianna behind him.

"That's dedication." Brianna says, finishing the sentence.

"Where's she hiding them?" Stiles asks, pulling books off of shelves, Brianna looking around the room, pulling drawers open.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about." He says, pulling a fake confused face.

"Her little knives." Brianna says, them taking turns talking. She opens another drawer then looks up at Mr. Yukimura, walking up towards him.

"Daggers. I know what they are." Stiles pulls down a book from a shelf, it falling to the floor.

"Physical representation of her tails. However the hell that works." Brianna says, standing right in front of him.

 Mr. Yukimura studies Brianna, soon realizing it's one of his students. He wonders how the nogitsune can control both her and Stiles at the same time.

"Maybe you'd like to do some reading on it," Mr. Yukimura watches Stiles intently, as he walks to the front of the room. "I can direct you to the section on Japanese myth in the library."

"No. No, we'd like to talk to you. The older the tail, the stronger the oni. Am I right? I know there's one left. I know it's the strongest." Stiles says, an evil smile emerging on his face.

"Unfortunately I don't know what you're referring to." 

Brianna approaches him, grabbing a hold of his face. "You'll talk, you'll also forget you ever saw me." Brianna compels, letting go of his hand.

As Brianna walks out of the classroom, Stiles lifts up a book, a fly flying out and down Mr. Yukimura's throat. "They always talk." Stiles says smirking.


"This is everything non-lethal I could find." Allison says, her dad, Derek, and Sheriff Stilinski, following her into the office of the Argent's apartment.

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