Chapter1:Prince Info

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me:The next chapter of the story hope you enjoy~~

Natasha: we work hard on it

Fiona P.O.V

*sigh*I shouldn't have asked, I looked around as I was being draged, 'For a small body she surely is strong' I thought as I think of a question to asked,then finally I did asked.

"So is there any reason I'm being drag to an unknown place." I even add a sarcasm at the end just to make her know how annoy I felt.

As soon as I say that she stop and faced me with an excited look on her face."Because...... we're the school student council president and vice-president"Then she started to giggle hard as she continue"The prince that came are needed to be as escort to the principle office, which is our job"

"Prince?" Now that perk my interest, I know this school is famous but for the prince to come here is still nearly impossible to happen, yet it does, I was so deep into my thought that I didn't notice that Nikki drag me forward, and now we're in front of the prince, how I acknowledge him was the coughing sound he made that broke my thought and so as Nikki said about our job I quickly bow a little to show respect but before I said anything Nikki already beat me to it.

"Hello! I'm Nikki Lim the school president and this is my assistant Fiona Hasami" 'even though the students are talking doesn't mean you need to talk loud' I thought and I took notice of how Nikki checking the guy out! But...I have to admit the guy is cute and I might have a little attraction toward him.

But I still have to do my job so.. "If you would follow us we'll show you to the principal office." I smile trying to be as polite as I can be, since I'm hot-tempered I don't really enjoy loud place and easily annoy by it but shigoto wa shigoto so I need to finish it quickly too cause the faster I finish my work the faster I get to do my other work.

And so with that thought I quicken my step but still slow enough for them to catch up. But by the look of things I don't think the prince can walk properly with Nikki lacthing the prince arm with the goofy grin on her face. I can only sigh as I continue walking toward the destination.
Derek P.O.V

I don't even know what just happen all I know that two girl came telling me that they would show me the way to the office, one was calm and collect with manner and posed while the other was flirting and annoying with a loud and yet high voice not to mention how hard it is to walk with someone latching on someone else arm.

But in the end we're arrive in front of the office and Fiona knock the door till we're hear a faint 'come in', Fiona open the door as me and the girl known as Nikki walk inside still latching on my arm and Fiona follow behind.

"Principal janette,as you request we bring the prince" the auburn hair said as she bow slightly "if you would excuse me I got other work to do" and just like that she left leaving me,Nikki and the principal alone. It would be a calm silent but with this girl on my arm it somewhat make the situation more awkward. "Miss Lim your work end here you may leave" thank God I thought the girl never leave but Nikki were stubborn at first but give up eventually,an so with a pout and a huff she left, leaving me and my grandmother along at last.

" How my grandson been doing, hmmm..?" She asked with her gentle smile as usual. "Just fine grandmother." And after taking a seat in front of her with a warm tea in hand we both engage into a long conversation.
Third person's P.O. V

After a long chat Derek realize there's a question he wanted to ask."grandmother who is Fiona Hasami really is?" The principal was surprise by his question but she still answer it.

"Fiona Niou Hasami, a 15 year old orphan girl with an astounding IQ level and also an antisocial as I heard from others" she paused for a moment to think for a word to describe Fiona but realize she couldn't and with a sigh she say "to be honest I'm not sure what type of girl she is,she always secretive about herself but I'm impressed by her accomplishment"she smile proudly as she think of her students.

Derek was also impress and curious of this girl," and Nikki?" At that statement she quickly respond half heartily" Nikki Grace Lim the same age as Fiona,average gred,popular among the students it seems,not to mention the daughter of a business couple who conquer the marketing world and one of the millionaire group."

"I see,so grandma when will I start my class?" Derek asked excited to see if he maybe in the same class as the girl who perk his interested and so the magic word finally came out."You may go to your class now if you like,you have literature right" with that he left in search of the literature classroom.

Eventually he find it just in time too since the teacher are just about ready to open the door til he notice the prince presence nearby. He gave a smile and understood the reason that prince is here and so he asked the prince to wait outside for a moment until he was called. When the prince we're summons he walk inside with nervous struts but with a princely smile, but then he truly smile in joy as he saw the person at the back...Fiona was there daydreaming as she look outside as if she was in her own little world.

The prince was in joy for he couldn't wait to know this mysterious girl and what kind of personality she has behind those secretive aura around her. It will certainly be interesting.


Me:that all,oh! Before I forget me and Tasha here has decide that-

Natasha: we would upload once a week!

Me:yes so to whoever find this story and enjoy it please look forward to the next update so goodbye for now.


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