Chapter 13: The ball (part 2)

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He hated this, Shayana decided that he like shopping,since she just buy clothes for him. The first part was okay, it was clothes for everyday life, then came the horror. Damn Reginal to hell for giving her access to her bank account. She going to buy lots of clothes today. He already dread the future.

"Shayana...really I don't need to buy clothes for the ball, I could just wear one of yours." He whine, he don't want to be seen in that hell hole people(women) called heaven.

"Nonsense!" Shayana turn around and glare at Finn. "We are going to a ROYAL ball we have to be decent! my dress doesn't even stand a chance!" Shayana continue to drag Finn by the hand and kept lecturing the important of dress code much to the latter embarrassment.

He mentally beg the woman to stop cause all the eyes are watching. thus making him uneasy and face glow into scarlet red. "Kill me please." he muttered and Shayana stop her lecture.

"What did you say?" Shayana heard the boy word and bacome worry though her face did show it. Finn flinch by the her friend voice tone and shook her head; telling her it was nothing and to stop any further lecture.

Shayana don't want to pursue any of Finn privacy more she just huffed and dragged her to the simple dress section.

At the chosen section Finn grew confuse. "Um...Shayana?" Does her friend sense of fashion went to the drain? "I thought we going to buy dress worthy of royal standards?" Shayana only hummed in respond and continue with her search i guess?


The two young adult are now in front of one of the designer student work place door. "Okay what are we doing here? do you need to altered one of your dress or something?" He was clueless, what is his friend planning. She on the door and soon it open revealing a young woman with messy black hair tied into a bun and emerald green eyes stare at the two.

Finn shift uncomfortably. "Hello Sarah are you busy at the moment?" Shayana asked and notice Finn discomfort so she hung an arm around his shoulder; attempting to bring a cheerful atmosphere. "Oh! Yana! what bring you here? and no i'm not busy just trying to think of another project. why?" Sarah informed the two as she let the two in and started preparing some tea.

"Is that so...then I'm here to bring you a project!" Shayana exclaim and took out two plain simple dress; one in lime green and the other a dark royal purple. "Hmm? really?" Sarah eye gleam in excitement.

"Yep. I want to request you to turn this two plain dress into one of those dress worthy enough for royalty." Now Sarah face full of determination at the new challenge. "Now that is a project that i'm willing to do."

Shayana happy to heared the approval. "Great you can measure both me and Finn right now."

Sarah turn at the young man. "Finn? why would a guy need a dress? Don't he need a suit?" Shayan shook her head. "No. He will wear a dress because he have to; since i trust you i tell you the reason. It's because the ticket to the royal ball we got from Regie we meant for pair; a couple so since Finn here is the most feminine between the three guys he was force to where a dress. In my opinion Finn should be a girl because of his attitude and all."

Finn's face flush and he think he might faint by all the blood rushing to his face. "I see...okay then I think i can manage." Shayana scoffed "Of course you can manage, you the best of all designer." Now it was Sarah turn to blushed, and shook her head in denial.

"Always so humble, you won the world best designer in the WORLD, at the age of 14. I'm sure your father is proud of you always watched over you from above." Finn saw the sadden yet proud look from Sarah.

At this Finn started to think his own parents....but stop when Shayana interrupt both their train of thought. "Well then let's start the measurement part first shall we?" Sarah nodded and start making measure and listing the request of their dress for the two. Well listing what Shayana requesting for the the two dress.

While the process was going on Finn just stay away from the two woman and observe the work place. Then he notice a picture of a younger version of Sarah with a young looking man. At the corner of the picture was a note saying, 'Congratulation my dear daughter, I'm proud of you always. From you loving father.'

Family is important...he thought for a while. suddenly a hand was on his shoulder. "Huh?" Shayana came to his view and bow in apologetically. "C'mon we should help the boys in picking their suit."

Finn nodded and follow her friend by the hand. He smile and get of his dark thought. He got friends now that all he matter. He glad to be alive and met them; but still....

He shouldn't get to comfortable. He gaze downward hiding his eyes in the process by his bang. not noticing the worry glance from his friend Shayana and the comforting attempt to distract the young man.


That's all I can give as the tittle stated it will be on hold for a while because my brain has gone to the drain for the next chapter. I assure you i try to gained the inspiration for the continuation. But...for now it will be on hold and i won't be updating for a while....see ya soon. bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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