Chapter8: Freaky halloween(part2)

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The pranking scene and a performances from someone. It may be boring though. Sorry...

No one P.O.V

*giggle* I'm sooo... happy. Derek is mine alone~ and not with Fiona. Since she busy with work that I gave her. Nikki smirk at the thought and continue snuggling with the prince as he pat her hair. They went to a haunted house, so Nikki get some 'opportunity' to get closer to him, as she had planned. They walk inside and a few jumpscare and horror OTS appeared after we walk for a while. Then it suddenly stop, like everything stop, the light, the sound, everything! Next they heard footsteps, a heavy one. Nikki grab the prince tightly, a little scare but shrugged it as nothing still.

"Hey Derek, I'm scare~can you hold me into your safe, warm arms..?" Nikki ask and quickly latch her arm on Derek's. The prince hesitated and fidget out of fear. Yes, you heard me right, it was out of fear. He doesn't even realize Nikki was grabbing him by the arm for he was to frighten to response to Nikki. Then they heard a snickering, an evil snickering like how an ugly witch would crackle. That what it sound like. And it sent shiver to both teenagers.

"Welcome to the fun part~" Someone said behind them in the most creepy voice they had ever heard. They both got curious and turn around...very slowly. Then Nikki gave out a shrill scream and grab hold of Derek. What they saw was a horrifying devil girl with a sickening grin plastered on her face. Not only that the devil girl also hold a bloody battle-ax with some of it are already dried by the look at it.

The prince froze in place. He was scared out of his wit and couldn't do anything while Nikki was holding Derek for security. "T-this is just an a-act r-right..? Nikki?" Derek shutter his question. But the question seem to trigger something in Nikki. Because she stood up high and tall, showing that she is superior all of the sudden. "That's right this is just an act! you not a real devil you just a student in a devil 'costume'!" Nikki smirk a smug grin and point a finger at the devil girl and continue. "Whoever you are...after this festival you will be in detention!"

Just then a growl was heard and it was from the devil girl. Then she smirk evilly again as she rises her battle-ax. Then her voice boomed through the hall. "THEN YOU DON'T MIND I CUT YOU UP RIGHT!~" She grab hold of Nikki and was about to strike Nikki's arm. If it not for Derek who pulled in the nick of time.He then drag her through the hall as the devil chase them.After a while of walking through the haunted house maze, they seem to lost the devil girl which sent a wave of relive through them.

"What's w-with the prop? It's totally way overboard for doing this!" Derek complained after he took his breath and calm his mind. "I know~ when this is over the whole class who did this are going detention for a week!" Nikki huffed in anger and bite her nails angrily as her face went red in rage. Derek then glace at Nikki worriedly, "isn't that to much?" he asked but got no response.

Then a scratching noise came to their ears. They stop to whatever they were doing and kept their silence. "Come out, come out wherever you are~" The devil girl kept saying the same phrase over and over again as both teen stay close to the wall. Hoping the devil girl didn't see them. When suddenly the devil voice stop.

And said a more dreadful phrase. "Found you~" The devil girl started to chase them again. Then they see the exit so they both run toward it like their life depend on it. Well i guess it is in this case. But as they reach outside, the were face-planted with cream pie. Both were utterly shock of the situation. First they both got chase by a lunatic devil girl and then were thrown a cream pie to their face. The first one to get out of their surprise was Nikki. And her first reaction was screaming to everyone near her. Then she went to her dorm room huffing in anger.

Soon after that the prince regain consciousness he looked around. Then a laughter was heard by a voice he new too well. He turn around and found Fiona in a devil costume laughing hard. He came nearer, "I see, so it was your doing after all?"he question her as Fiona subside her laughter, but still giggling. "S-sorry it was to m- haha-much to ignore..hahaha!"The prince just shook his head. Soon after Fiona laugh dies out she pull him toward the gym. _______________________________________ Derek P.O.V

Fiona started to drag me by the arm. As we walk she turn her head around and face me with her small smile. "Anyway... hope you remember your promise?" A promise..?...Oh yeah our promise! I asked her to sing for the final performance before the firework. And she agreed under the condition that I watch her performance and went on a date tomorrow. "Of course I remember. Why would I be left out." I then grab her waist and spun her around as she giggle.

"Let's go before I'm late" She said and pulling me harder toward the gym. As we arrive I took my sit on the front row while Fiona went off to get ready for her performance. There's only 5 act. First was a comedy act, next a horrid drama, then comes the dancing troop and a magic show after that. The last one is Fiona' turn and I couldn't wait to see and heard her, because she would sing for tonight.

After the four other were done it was Fiona's turn now. The curtain was open and the light was dim. Then a spotlight was shone to the left side of the stage. And soon, Fiona came out, the music start as she was strolling down the stage till she reach the middle. Her red flowing hair swift behind her back. She wore a dress with a black plain sleeveless top and a star design on the dress skirt that flow to her knee in front but the back reach her ankle. Lastly a pair of black wedge hill complete her looked.

As the music continue she started to sing. Her movement were graceful and elegant. As she sing and dance she looked brighter and brighter every second. I was awe the most out of the other audience. She was like a prin- no an angel of the night. A true beauty I must say. It was like hearing a true angel singing us to sleep a lullaby.

After all that, it has ended. And Fiona were given a grand applause from me and the audience. Then we head out to see the final and closure of the event, a fireworks show.

Me and Fiona cuddle together as we was the beautiful night sky till we have to depart. Tonight has been weird and fun I'm glad I went to today's event.

Sorry for the late update...the internet at my place has been a jackass and I have a little problem at home.

Other than that is that I already finish t is few days back but I lost it 😭 so I have to rewrite everything it was tiring😓

So anyway that all for now. See ya guys 😜

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