She's so Gone

907 111 26

How many times can a nice girl be hurt before she becomes mean?

How many times does she have to be told "I won't hurt you" before someone means it?

How many times does she have to be used before someone actually cares about her the way she does for others?

How many times must people walk out of her life before someone stays?

How many times does she have to pray to God to give her someone to talk to when she needs somebody, anybody?

How many times can she put others first ?

When will the girl who cares oh so much and does everything for others, get something in return?

She's tired.
She's damaged.
She's learnt.
She's done.
She has a strong heart and she cares.
But she loves herself.
She comes first.
And she gives no fucks,
cause she deserves to be happy.

She's, so gone. And baby this is me.

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