Another One

304 29 10

Having a good heart in our generation kills you.

Trying to smile in hopes that you'll feel better sucks.

Believing that you should give everyone a chance, that people may be different is for the foolish.

$200 I spent.

To see a guy in the army about to be deployed.

16 hours on a buss I would have traveled.

Just for four hours prior to my departure, to be told he has "work."

I know some people may be like, but Kayla understand he works.


I've asked for a month in advance for him to check. He said " I'm my own boss." "Don't worry about it."

I asked him are you SURE!

He said "yes."

I asked a MONTH in advanced you have your work schedule for the month by then.

I waited until a week prior to seeing him to buy the tickets, LAST MINUTE.

You know, just in case he had work.

Well in return he last minute decided to tell me not to come.

I get upset and he responds to my answers with "I guess."

He responds to my feelings with one words answers.

Well I GUESS you ain't shit and I'm done.

I don't make the same mistakes twice anymore...

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