An End

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This book is coming to an end. I can't add anymore chapters and I don't think I can explain my feelings more then I already can.
I feel numb, but numb is better then sad or depressed or hateful. I have you guys to thanks for that.

I don't know if I should write another book. Shit I don't know if you guys would even be interested in a second book.

If you are though, let me know. Who knows maybe I'll include a background story. Just let me know what you want and I'll give it to you.

I honestly owe each and everyone one of you who have commented, voted, messages, and even read this book my life.

I have started another book called Living Life that COULD be like a sequel to this one if you guys would like.

So in return I'll do whatever I can to help your.
Love you guy ❤️️

~Queen Kayla

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