Promise Me?

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NEVER let a boy you like or a girl or a friend make you feel bad for who YOU are.
I will tell you this from experience, I cared too much and in return I was called crazy for it. Yet nobody ever said I was crazy for caring too much before.  And I realized I wasn't crazy for caring that was one mans opinion and it was a bulllshit one.

"have i gone mad?
im afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are"
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

So what if,

You have a big heart and you love and you care and you're kind to people. So what if someone calls that annoying. They don't appreciate someone as kind hearted as you.

So what if,

You snort when you laugh.
You don't like vegetables.
Hate it when your food touches.
Are sexually inexperienced.
Don't like tomatoes.
Don't like butterflies.
Are scared of mirrors
Have a phobia of flying.
Are different.
Come off as shy.
Think outside the box.
Love to fast.
Hold on too tight.
Care too much.
Have scars.
Are fighting your own demons.
Are slowly falling apart.
Feel broken.
Are imperfect.
Make mistakes.
Don't have long straight hair.
Don't dress sexy.
Don't like like to take pictures.
Love to eat.
Always have your nose in a book.
You like to be alone.
If you like to make friends.
You are doing you, and making yourself happy.

That's fucking you! You are unique, special, and one of a million

A real boyfriend,girlfriend,or friend will like you for you.

You are perfect the way you are and you don't need to change for any-fucking-body.
Because if they want to label you as crazy for being different, just know...

We're all mad here.

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