Chapter 8 - 975

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"You folded ten of these already?" Jon asked me in calculus, tossing a folded crane playfully into the air.

"That's not the important question right now!" Joanna punched him playfully. "The question I am dying to ask is how'd it go? Did you guys kiss? Are you getting married? How many children are you going to have? Will they call me Auntie Jo?"

Feigning exasperation, I gave them a rundown of the night before.

"You actually managed an entire conversation with her?" Jon smiled. "You're pretty serious about her, huh?"

Then he high-fived me.

"Our little Jordy's got a date," he told Joanna in the voice of a proud parent.

The next day. I had a date the next day. I didn't even know what to do on a date. I didn't know any facts about dating. Did I need to study? Was there a book about dating I could read?

But class started before I could ask Jonathan. He'd been on dates. He knew what to do. I'd have to ask once class had ended.

"Dude," Jon laughed, incredulous. "Guys don't ask guys for dating advice." We were whispering in the busy hallway.

"That's why you have Joanna. You're supposed to ask me about fixing cars and hacking emails and the Super Bowl."

I laughed uncomfortably.

"The Pittsburgh Steelers have won the most Super Bowls of any other team," I informed him instinctively. "They've won six."

"You're such a dork," he laughed. "But seriously. Ask Joanna what you should do. Robin's different than the girls I date. I'm different than you. Joanna's good at all that psychology stuff."

I knew he was right, but I was beginning to miss Jonathan.

For the past three years, Joanna, Jonathan and I had been absolutely inseparable. But this year, we were in different classes and he always stayed after school for practices. I didn't fear our friendship was slipping or anything. We just didn't see each other as often as he had before.

"You're right," I conceded. "I'm just nervous." I shrugged.

"Would a slap on the ass and a 'good game, slugger,' make you feel better? That's the best I've got. You know this isn't my area of expertise. But, listen, the guys and I are going to the football game together tonight and then back to my house for video games. Come hang out with us?" He asked me nearly weekly, but I normally declined. I wasn't really a go team kind of guy.

"You know what? I think I will. It might be fun." And, oddly enough, I actually thought it might be fun.

I would have to wait until lunch to ask Joanna's advice on talking to Robin on our date. Things were changing so quickly for me, it made my head swim. Dates and girls and friends and football games. It was all new and a little overwhelming for me. I was still painfully shy.

But that was a worry for another time; the bell was about to ring and I was seconds away from the first tardy of my high school career.

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