Cha. 12

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"THURSDAY! THURSDAY! THURSDAY" was what I woke up to on that morning. Kendall was fully dressed and showered and had a bagel in her hands. 

"Kendall, sweetheart, their plane doesn't land for another six hours. Let me go back to sleep" I rolled over but she pounced. 

"Let's go wait for them all day!" she demanded. 

"I thought you liked having the apartment to ourselves" I groaned. 

"I do, well I did. I miss my PeyPey!!"

"Ugh" I threw a pillow over my head but she took it away. 

"Brenny" she cooed "If you come wait with me I'll make it worth your while"


"Mmmhmm" she said "You, me, some candles, our bed. Peyton and Ryan will be to exhausted to tell us to keep it down"

I was getting a boner just thinking about it and I think she knew because she giggled when she took the covers off me. 

"You owe me a night of wild passion" I told her as I got dressed. 

"I know" she smiled "Now let's go" 

She grabbed the car keys and I slumped my way down to the car. She drove while I was half asleep next to her. When we got to the airport she bought me coffee and I perked up. 

"Kendall" I said "What are we supposed to do until they get here?"

"I don't know but I'm excited!" she said as she ran around in circles like a puppy almost. 

"Here" I said as I handed her my credit card "Go have fun in some of the shops. I'm going to sit here and nap again"

"WEEEEE SHOPPING" she said. She took off toward the airport shops while I rested. 


We packed up our suitcases and a cab took us to the airport. I felt a little sick but it was probably just nerves, I was never good with flying. We checked our bags and went to our flight gate and I sat down immediately. 

"Something wrong?" Ryan asked me. 

"Just nervous for the flight" I told him. 

"Come here" he said as he opened his arms. I snuggled my body against his and placed my head under his chin. I sighed and rested there. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go get you some anti-nausea pills and some ginger ale" he said. 

"I don't need them" I protested. 

"I want you to be comfortable" he said "Especially since we'll be on this flight for awhile"

"Okay" I pipped. 

He left me on the cushy airport seat and went to find where the shops were. I felt my stomach, it was cramping. Maybe I was just due for my period, the timing seemed right. I also could have eaten something weird again, Disney resorts were good at giving me food poisoning. Ryan came back and I popped one of the nausea pills. They announced we could get on the plane and he helped me to our seats. 

"Babe, just try to relax on this flight okay? Just like the flight down here. It's all going to be okay"

I took his advice and just looked out the window. The plane took off and he held my hand. We'd be home in no time. 

I woke up eight hours later and we were back in California, I really had to barf. I popped another of those pills and the feeling went away. Ryan and I exited the plane and were met by Kendall's squeals of excitement. She ran over and hugged me. 

"Careful" Ryan said "She hasn't been feeling well"

"Oh no" Kendall said "I knew I forgot something"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Pey...did you take your birth control with you on this trip?"

I felt the color drain from my face. I knew exactly where my pills were sitting; in the top drawer of my dresser in the apartment. Not in my purse, not in my suitcase, at home. 

"I forgot to pack it for you" Kendall said.

Ryan, Brendon, and I all stood there stunned out of our minds. I'd been so caught up in the trip that I hadn't even been thinking about my pills. 

"RyRy, did we use a condom when we hooked up the other day?" I asked with a shaky voice. 

"N-n-no" he replied. 

"Pharmacy on the way home?" Brendon asked. 

We all silently walked to baggage claim and Brendon carried our suitcases to the car. I sat in the back seat with Ryan, silently freaking out. Brendon stopped at the pharmacy and Kendall got out of the car with him. Ryan and I said nothing. I was pretty much on the edge of crying and when I couldn't hold in the tears anymore, I exploded. Ryan tried to comfort me but it was no use, I was knocked up...well possibly. 

When we got home I went to our bedroom and just stared at my unused birth control sitting there in my dresser. Kendall had picked me up a pregnancy test and I figured it was time. Everyone else was at the beach trying to let this moment pass. I took the box with me to the bathroom, took out the test, and peed on it. Five minutes later I had my answer. 

Ready To Go [Part 3 of Form A Mountain Series]Where stories live. Discover now