Ch. 25

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After a short hospital stay of my own, we got to take Sandra Dee back to the apartment. Ryan had bought a crib, diapers, clothes, and everything. I put Sandra down in her crib and sat with Kendall, Brendon, and Ryan in the living room. 

"So when are you guys moving out?" Brendon asked. 

"Not to be pushy" Kendall added. 

"We need to find a place to move first" Ryan laughed. 

"We're going to start hunting soon" I said "Like within the next few days"

"Good because the wedding is soon" Kendall said. 

"We should go tomorrow" I said to Ryan. 

"We'll watch Sandy" Brendon smiled. 

"Thanks" I smiled "Well it's getting late, time for bed"

I got up and went into our bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror; not quite so fat anymore but I needed to hit the gym for sure to get rid of the remaining fat. Ryan came into the room and smiled. 

"What a ride" he said to me. 

"It ain't over yet" I laughed. 

We crawled into bed and he ran his hands over my body. I could feel the goosebumps rise on my skin, he hadn't touched me like this is a long time because of the pregnancy. I rolled over to face him and sucked on his neck a little bit. Sandra was asleep in the corner of our room but didn't make a peep. He started to pull down my pajama shorts and I shivered. 

"Ryan there's a baby in the room" I said. 

"There's always going to be a baby in the room" he replied. 

"I know but--"

He cut me off with a kiss. He pressed himself against me and continued to remove my shorts. He kissed my collarbone and I gave in. 

The next day we went house hunting with a real estate agent. Everything we looked at seemed too small until one of the last houses; a four bedroom house in Burbank. It wasn't too big but big enough. No offers had been made on it so we got it without a hitch. It wasn't that far from Santa Monica either so Ryan could drive to the recording studio no problem. We drove back to the apartment and told Kendall and Brendon the good news. 

"That's great!" they both agreed.

"We'll move while you guys are on the honeymoon" Ryan said. 

"I can't believe the wedding is next week" Kendall said. 

Everything was set: the church, the reception, honey moon plans, everything. 

"I hope I still fit in my dress" I said.

"We'll hit the gym every day until then" Kendall said. 

She was serious; every day we were in the gym at least five hours. On the day before the wedding, I weighed myself and found out I had lost fifteen pounds in seven days. Not bad at all. The bachelorette party was going to be buck wild too. I didn't know what Ryan had planned for the boys party, I'm sure they'd be safe. I had a babysitter for Sandy so all that was on my agenda was fun. 

Kendall and our friends piled onto a party bus and hit the town. We hit a strip club where Kendall got quite the lap dance from a male stripper. After that we went to drunkenly play mini golf where we made sexual innuendos about "scoring a hole in one"

"Woman, Ryan can score a hole in one with you just for existing!" Kendall snickered at me. 

"You have more uriegasms than anything else!" I told her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 ⏰

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