I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls

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Chapter 11

When I woke up, it was hard to open my eyes at first. My eyes were crusty from sleep, and it was bright in the room. Where am I? I sat up, looking around the foreign room. The brown curtains were closed, but the sunlight shone through. Marie's hair was strewn out around her pillow like a golden crown. I moved my mouth around, to get the dryness out. There wasn't much I could do. I got up, standing and stretching from a previous night's sleep. 

Thinking back to last night, I didn't know how to react. Jack Barakat was in the same house as me, hell Alex was too. Don't know if Rian was here, but Zack? My favorite people that I've ever really loved with every fiber of my being are under the same roof as I am. You know how everyone has that one quality you can't stand about them? Sometimes when you meet someone, you don't see it right away. I knew Marie's one flaw. I know Jack's flaw. But All Time Low as a whole, I can't find a single flaw. I don't want to look either, then it wouldn't be as perfect as I wanted it to be.

Did I really want perfect? Was that what I was striving for? I glanced down at the scars I've self inflicted. Flinching, I immediately looked away. I have to get dressed, but I had nothing to change into. There was only one person I trusted and wouldn't mind seeing me like this. Marie was fast asleep, and I didn't know what else to do, or who to call.

So, I called for Alex. Swishing Jack's shirt around my thighs, I felt happier than I did the night before. I didn't want to think about the beautiful girl Jack took home. I closed my eyes to erase it from my memory. Not long after, Alex knocked on the door. "Lizzy?" he called in softly, his voice raspy with sleep. It made me shiver. 

"Yeah, I'm here," I responded. I took a deep breath before opening the door a little bit more. He walked in, and his eyes quickly glanced at my attire, or lack thereof. He probably gazed over my scars, but I've taught myself to not notice.

"What do you need?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but I don't have anything to wear. Unless you already went to grab our things, I don't know what else to do, and I don't want to go out like this." I gestured down to my pantsless legs. 

"Hang on a second," he spoke before turning around. I closed the door behind him. I wondered if Jack had ever come back from his sex trek last night. I closed my eyes again in an attempt to erase it from my mind. It didn't work this time. 

Alex came back in, his hair over one eye, and I smiled a little bit at the sight of clothes. "Here, it's not much, but it's better than what you've got now, which is nothing." He started to nervously laugh as he ran a hand through his brown hair, brushing it out of his eye. I grabbed them and smiled, turning around. "It's a shirt of mine and some sweatpants. They might be a little loose, but at least they'll hold until we get your stuff back. Zack and Rian went to go get it, and they haven't been back yet. They probably went to go get breakfast, Jack doesn't usually wake up until two in the afternoon anyway."

"What time is it now?" I spoke up. 

"About ten in the morning." I put his clothes on the bed that Marie was still sleeping in. "Does she sleep a lot?" he asked, motioning towards her. Small snores were leaking out of her mouth.

I laughed a bit at that. "Sort of. She either wakes up at six in the morning or noon, there really is no in between." I looked at the shirt he gave me, noticing that this one had shorter sleeves. I sighed a bit, not trying to make it noticeable. 

"Did you do that because of him?" he asked, motioning towards my legs. I was grateful that he hadn't made it awkward, like he understood. I wasn't afraid of talking about it, as long as they didn't give me that look. 

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