Chapter 1

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Dippers pov

" urgh not more spiderwebs" I grumbled as I walked through the woods getting my antlers tangled in spiderweb. I had been walking for about three hours by myself through the woods and by now my hooves were aching. Whoops, I forgot to mention I'm half deer, A cervitaur.

I had family but right now I was homeless. You see my sister Mabel is a mermaid and was living in the ocean with her boyfriend mermando and my grunkles, Stan( gargoyle) and Ford ( sphinx) were living up in the mountains with the other winged creatures of gravity falls. Since I had no wings and I couldn't breathe underwater I had nowhere to go.

Suddenly I stepped on a sharp rock and tripped in pain. I lifted up my front left hoof to examine the damage. A small bit of the sharp rock had pierced through the skin on the back of my leg when I had tripped and was now beginning to bleed fresh red blood.

I looked around for anything that would be able to be used as a bandage to stop the blood from dripping down my hoof. I settled on picking a long leaf off one of the nearby trees and carefully wrapped the leaf around my injured leg. I would have to clean the cut later when I came to a stream.

I began to walk again this time being a little more careful as to where I was going so I wouldn't get hurt.

~time skip~

The sun was just setting and I still hadn't found anywhere that I could stay for the night. I was also starving and so far hasn't come across any source of food. I stopped to have. A break and try to make a shelter out of sticks and leaves when all of the sudden I heard a twig snap and froze.

~ hope you enjoyed this chapter everyone :) remember to send your art to my kik account emiliwotti so I can put it as a cover pic. I will probably be writing the next chapter later today or sometime tomorrow. Sorry that this chapter was short.
Bye :)

HuntedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora