Chapter 6

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Elise pov

I arrived back at the cave with my heart thumping and breathing heavily. Luckily I saw that dipper and ollie were safe lying on the beds of moss.

When dipper spotted me he seemed happy. " your safe" he called happily. " yes but we might not be for much longer. Now that he knows what direction the cave is in he will be coming for us. We need to move now. Can you pack up the cave while I Finish ollie's splint?"

Dipper began to pack the cave up into our to shoulder bags making sure to clear everything up so it would look like we were never there. While he was doing that I began to get to work on fixing up ollie's splint. The leg was pretty badly damaged so he wouldn't be able to walk or climb by himself for a few months while the leg was healing.

When ollie's splint was on and the cave was packed up we said goodbye to the cave. It was sad to leave this place as this was where my last memory of my father took place befor he was captured. We began to canter through the woods carefully making sure not to leave a hoof mark anywhere we stepped as to not give bill a clue where we had gone. Ollie peeked his head out of the pocket of my bag giving me a confused look as to where we were going. I reached over to him and stroked his head gently to reassure him as we began to pick up speed into a gallop.

Avoiding leaving any of my hoof prints behind and dipper was doing the same we began to make our way down a steep mountain beside the gravity falls waterfall that the old town had been named after. I saw dipper stumble on the sliding rocks a few times so I began to slow the pace a tiny bit. I had done this heaps so I would be fine but I didn't want him to fall.

We reached the bottom of the mountain and got onto flat ground again. I felt like we would be safe here. Once we found a suitable hideout we would be able to set up camp. That's when I heard the gunshot and everything went black.

- oooh what will happen next? Will Elise be ok? I have a day off school tomorrow so hopefully the next update will be then otherwise sometime this week. Hope you enjoyed

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