Chapter 15

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Dippers pov

- just pretend the last chapter didn't happen. That was mainly a filler chapter.

I woke up from sleeping in my mossy den I had found yesterday afternoon. It may be damp but it sure was comfy, with moss covering most of the floor and little purple flowers growing out from small cracks in the walls.

'Jee Mabel would love this place' I thought to myself. Pity she couldn't come here since she didn't have legs anymore. I got up and walked carefully out of my den to go and find some breakfast, luckily I didn't have to walk too far to find anything though, just at the entrance to the next tree line I spotted a small strawberry bush covered in the juicy red berries. Yum! Strawberries were one of my favourites.

I went back into the den, realising I had forgotten to grab my shoulder bag so I couldn't gather up any berries for later on. Once my packs were full of fruit and once I was full of fruit I began to slowly trot towards the lake Mabel and mermando were staying in. I was still a bit drowsy after just waking up but as I started to wake up I started to make my pace get a bit faster, I couldn't wait to see Mabel again and see if her or mermando had any information on how I could save Elise from Bill, after all I couldn't just charge into his cabin with a pointy stick. No, I would need a more cunning plan to free her than that, from what I had been told he wouldn't hesitate to kill me in the most painful way possible.

As I arrived at the lake I saw Mabel and mermando sitting on the end of the old wooden jetty which was a bit risky considering there was still tourists that would come to gravity falls and if any of those saw us Tue government would soon be here doing tests on us.

'HEY MABEL' I called to her'LERS GO SIT DOWN ON THESES ROCKS!' I yelled pointing at a group of boulders half submerged In water close to the shore. Her and mermando swam happily through the greenish blue water of the lake, jumping and frolicking as they did so. We all chose a boulder and sat on top of them talking.'so did either of you find any information on a way I can help elise?' I asked them hopefully.

'We did actually' stated Mabel excitedly. 'There's no guarantee she's real but everything else in this book is real so why shouldn't she be? It's a legend about a sprite that lives next to the falls. She is apparently a master of stealth and battle strategies and has helped with many kidnapping cases before!'

Mabel handed me the book she had been reading from and I looked at the page. The book was maroon with a gold 6 fingered hand in the middle of it and it had the number 3 printed in the middle of it.

'Thanks guys' I said' now there's a chance we'll be able to get her away from that phsycopath alive'.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've just been busy with some school and family stuff for the last while and I haven't had time for anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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