Chapter 3

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Elise pov

I decided to let dipper come stay at my den for the night if he wanted. It wasn't safe out here for our kind. Luckily he accepted. I led him down past the river and through my little gap in the mountain to a small cosy cave.

I let him lie on the spare moss pile I had while I put away my bag of food. I took out a couple of handfuls of berries and nuts for both of us to have. " so where are you from and what are you doing here?" I asked him. He explained that he had drank some of the water from the cursed stream and was actually from the abandoned town. Aparently his uncle had sold the water at his tourist attraction to the townsfolk and the water had messed with them and transformed them.

" the water also makes you think like the creature you are transformed into" I explained to him. " do you know of any cure?" He asked me, his voice full of hope. " unfortunately no" I sighed. A witch who lived hundreds of years ago had cursed the river so that humans would turn to monsters and monsters would turn human. The witch had left no cure for the curse and since she was long dead there was no way to get her to reverse it.

He then asked me about my story. Since he had told me what had happened to him It was only fair if I returned the favour. I sighed and began to tell him. "I had been born In these woods with my herd and we had lived in peace and harmony with all the other woodland creatures except the gnomes until one day two years ago. Another being fell in the cursed river. He wasnt a human, he was a dreamed demon named bill cipher. When he was transformed into a human he lost all his magic powers. He could no longer live in the dreamscape so he built a house in the woods. He began hunting the creatures of the woods. Sometimes he would take out a Phoenix or a jackalope but he mainly shot cervitaurs.

I don't know why he was hunting our kind only but he was. We had to live in hidden caves and only go out to look for food. Unfortunately some of the caves weren't good enough hiding places and he found them. Otherwise some of the traps in the woods would get you. It went on like this until I was the only one left wild. He is still out there trying to get me and now that you are here you will be hunted too. Watch where you place your feet or you might get caught."

He seemed amazed with the story and at the same time worried. I tried to reassure him. " don't worry as long as your with me he shouldn't go for you. He will probably aim for me as he has promised me a long and painful death when he gets me"

~ time skip to later that night~

I saw dipper fall asleep In the moss pile beside me. But I couldn't sleep yet as I was thinking of what the rest of my family had become.

Thanks everyone for reading this chapter. It should have been up yesterday but I ended up going to the beach so I couldn't write. I will make it up by putting up 2 chapters today.

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