My work~~

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Suky's POV

We then went into his room, I was to happy that he was worried about me!!

But later before we could enter his room he turned around and looked at me, "What's wrong??" Ren then suddenly looked at his room.. "Umm lets go in your room!!" I blinked for a few times, and thought to myself I have my own room 0.0?!?

I looked at him "Ren I don't have a room, do I??" He then scratched his head "Right.. You don't, do you want a room??" I smiled "YES OF COURSE I WANT ONE!!" He chuckled and he made me follow through the house..

-thinking- why doesn't he let me sleep in the room next to him..

I glared at him the whole time I was following him.. "Hey Ren why don't I sleep in the room next to you??" It would be easier to come in your room when I feel like it." He then stopped to stare at me, his voice then turned kinda cold, "No you can't sleep in that room because its not for you! It's for another person and you can never ever go in my room without permission! But before you can even think of going in my room you need to knock!! Do you understand!?!?" I jumped a little "Who's room is that??" He then grabbed my wrist, "come here!!"

We went to a room high from the ground "this is your room!!" I looked at the room.. "It was dusty, with no bed or anything in it.. "Umm where's the be- " I then got pushed to the ground "You Don't need a bed! You are a cat!! Nothing but a cat! And You hate water! Also your litter box is right there!!" He then locked the room from the outside and I ran to the door, "HEY BAKA BAKA!! OPEN!! Open!! I sinked to the ground The door.."

The moon then shined through the window, I opened the window and looked how steep it was.. Damn to steep.. I looked how the floor was all dusty.. I wiped my tears, and ripped some clothing off of me. then I noticed that a piece of string that brings the clothing all together was a very long one. I took of the clothing, luckily I have under clothing on. I then took it apart and made it layers to layers, I made it longer and stronger with the curtains. I made a rope! I was so amazed by what I made it that the sun was rising!! "Wow it took me all night to make this!" I'm so proud of myself!!"

I made the rope go all the way down to the floor. Then tied it to the door knob, I made sure everything was right. As I was climbing down the rope I passed Ren's bedroom, I looked in the window to see a lady sleeping with him right there. I hissed at them, how dare he cheat on me! I'm such a fool.

I then jumped off the rope since I made it down. I then pulled the rope very hard that it made the window close and lock, the rope then fell down with me. There's no way that I'm leaving my hard work here in this house. I laughed and grabbed my hair and tied it.

"Wow that was fun!!" I noticed that I didn't have my shoes.. Oh well, I then remembered that I'm a neko..

I wrapped the rope around me and my tail happily showed. I ran and ran straight to the forest!

Adventure is out there!! I yelled (got it from the movie "UP")

I then climbed trees and jumped tree to tree. I looked to see wolves. I smiled brightly I jumped down and kinda startled them!! "Ahh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just that I would really like to live alone. Yet it's not working out for me." The wolves looked at me and was talking to me "Very well then you shall live with us and never tell a soul that you are living with us." I smiled "yes! I mean I'm not planning to go back to the human world! I am just a cat to them.." Then then told me to drink a liquid, "what's this??" It's something that will make you turn into a wolf, to make sure you are one of us. I took a breath and drunk the liquid. It turned me into a creamy furry wolf with blue eyes. I was rather happy!! Wow I look so different! We then howled at the morning sun to celebrate me, the new comer.

Ren's POV

I woke up in the best I can, early in the morning to check on my future wife. I only put her up there so she knows her lesson, to not question me so much. I walked and unlocked the doors. I saw no one in the room!! I looked at the window it was locked!! How did she get out!! I woke everyone up to question them "Did you one of you guys open the attic door and let out Suky??" Everyone said no. I punched the wall.. Well then I'll have to go find her then. Everyone she is somewhere In this house! Search for her! And when you find her you will get something most promising. They then scattered to look for her. I went up to my room, and heard something. I then realized they were .. "Stupid wolves why are they so happy."

I looked at the sun rising, I'm going to find you! Even if you were going to marry someone else, or find happiness with someone else! I will not let that happen! You belong with me and only me! You are mine! And only mine! No one else's.

I know I sound so selfish, but you were mine first! And I will make sure that you come back to me with open arms.

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