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Suky's POV~~

I opened my eyes, I notice that I'm in water. I just sink farther down as I put my hand out trying to reach the surface, I notice that my hands are disappearing. As the last breath escapes my mouth, I know that I'm not coming back.

When I got to the bottom of the ocean, I looked around me. Seaweed wrapped around me as if it was trying to keep me in a cage. I can't tell if I'm crying or not, because I'm in water. It seems that I know why it's like this for me. The person I need to most to remember me, doesn't believe in me anymore...

I stayed there, helplessly waiting for someone to swim to the bottom of the ocean and wake me up from this nightmare.

I see fishes pass me, nets, and boats.. I wonder what ocean I'm in.. Also.. I'm amazed that I can breath underwater.. This is just a dream for me.. I can tell, I just can't wake up from it. I wonder why??

~~~~~~~Months Later~~~~~~~~~~

I decided not to wait no more I decided to swim up myself. When I tried to break free, the seaweed lets go: pushing me, lifting me, and helping me get to the surface. I poked my head out first and when I poked my head out. My eyes opened from the nightmare I was in. I was in a strange room.. I don't know what room it is. But then a door slides open and a little boy panics and falls on the ground "You're alive!!" I blinked a few times "Yes, I'm alive.. Why??" His eyes widen "And you talk!!" I had a confuse look on me "Yes.. I talk.. Why??" He smiled "Oh well.. Because you're a robot!! And you talk!! Can you walk or move??" I got up but was a little weak.. I sat down and looked at him "Who are you??" He smiled at me "Oh well I found you outside of a big mansion!! And I you were in next to a big pile of garbage. So I brought you here!! My dad's a mechanic and he fixes what he can to you!!" I couldn't move my mouth no more.. I couldn't remember what happened. I couldn't even remember my dream I had for mouths. I looked at him and he realized "Oh you must be rusty staying in that rain!! Here let me clean you and make you not rusty." He then brought some kind of medicine, he wiped my face, my arm, and legs. He smiled you can clean yourself now besides even though your a robot you have some parts I'm not suppose to see. I was able to open my mouth after that!! I smiled at him "thank you.. So I was thrown out??" He looked at me and thought for a while.. "Yeah!!"

He then looked at me.. "You're a beautiful robot! I never knew such a thing exist in the world." I blushed, even though he's just a little boy.. He says the cutest things ever!! I giggled at him. "Thank you and you are the cutest boy I ever seen." He scratched his head blushing "Will!! That's what lots of people say to me!"

I smiled at him "How long have you had me in your house??" He thought and then turned at the calendar.. He then remembered "A few months now!! But I never thought you would come back to life." I ran to him!! And started to cry "T-Thank you so much!!" He hugged me "it's my pleasure to make sure that you're okay!" His dad suddenly ran to the room "Son you okay?!? I heard a Thud!!" He then looked shocked or a bit.. "That's your robot you found!! It's alive!! And it moves!! Does it talk??" I laughed "yeah I talk and walk. I can even eat." He was shocked "wow you are an amazing robot. I wonder why that person threw you out??"

The then looked at me "Will you can live here with us if you want. I mean come on! You're a robot many people don't see that ever!" He then looked at me in a way I didn't like. "Hey let me change your age! I saw when I was fixing you! You can change your age. Lets see what age you can be." He then changed it to a 10 year old. I was small the same size as his son. "Wow!! Okay you will me going to school with my son! And you will protect my son from the bullies that bully him!" I nodded my head "Okay!!"

Ren's POV~~

It's been a while since I feel in the mood to smile.. Or cry.. I guess I should look at the robot I fell in love with. As I walked upstairs I noticed that its gone!! "Wha-" I ran downstairs "who was in charge of cleaning the attic??" A butler came out of the crowd "Sir it was me, is there a problem??" I looked at him "What did you do to the robot that was in there??" He looked down "Sir you told me to throw everything away, I even asked you if you wanted the robot thrown away and you said "of course that robot is junk throw everything away from that attic." And so I did sir I followed your directions. I looked at him "Then I order you to find that robot!! Wherever it is!!" The butler looked at him "Sir.. It was probably destroyed already. It was taken to the dump. And they get rid of the stuff, very quickly. Also Sir, I threw away that robot a few months ago." Then go search!! For it! It might be still alive!!" A maid then suddenly came in "Sir, your nephew is here." I quickly smiled "Let him in then!" My nephew came out, he was pretty fit for a 11 year old. My nephew smiled at me "Uncle!! I have new friends at my school!!" I patted his head "that's great! Now what do you guys play at school??" He then looked at the ground "We play push the nerd down.." I looked at him "Now now.. If you play like that you will get in trouble." He looked at me in a sad look "Sorry uncle.. But it's only one person! And he doesn't have any friends, we are just trying to make him play with us." I didn't think it was bulling "will then carry on with that game, and remember don't hurt any girls at school no matter of they hit you back. Never hit a girl!"

My nephew smiled "okay!! I'm going up to my room now!!" He then ran up the stairs."

What I'm I going to do with my nephew. I chuckled and thought, what if he found Suky.. In a form of a 10 year old, now that would be funny. I then walked to my room and thought of why I'm going to do.

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