Taurtis is back

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I woke up and walked down stairs since grian was yelling Sam to be honest I kinda hesitated with that since the hotel what if they were doing more no if I knew one thing Sam likes me I think grian did to but I won't lie I was kinda jealous I chose to walk down and was relieved to see he was just waking him up "I'm sleeping" Sam groaned I walked over "I'm hungry" grian said "me tooooooo saaaaaaaaam" I said trying to sound like yuki then he threw jerry cats at us " there eat that" he said "thaaaaaank yooooooou saaaaaaam" I said and shove some in my mouth " so I've been dreaming and I come to realize I don't like that jerry guy i think we should just get rid of him once and for all" Sam said wait jerry "uhh jerry" I said "oh I meant Jason I think we should get rid of Jason once and for all" he said " oh yea I hate -" I was cut off "hello" came a voice we went outside to see taurtis "taurtis" I said wrapping my arms around him and wagging my tail "I've been running around for about three days looking for you guys and someone stole my wrist bands" he said sounding as if he were to cry " that's right were are your wrist bands" Sam said "I don't know" taurtis said "I'm so hungry"he said "oh well here have some jerry cats" Sam said giving him a lot "Nooo no" he cried out in laughter we walked and explained what happened then Sam gave us guns and taurtis started shooting I shielded my head and we stalked Jason first he went to the store then comic book store and got yee she almost caught us since she smelled grian and then when she went in her house "HEY JASON" Sam shouted "oh hi" he called " remember when you stole our customers well I do and this is what you get" Sam said and shot him in the leg and he screamed and we took off running and shooting taurtis kept blocking the bullets but I didn't care I only wanted that guy freakin dead we chased him in the school we kept shooting taurtis kept trying to block and then before we ran up to the third floor I heard them say "wait what happened to the school" grian said from behind me I looked around and saw a lot of trash and chains everywhere "I didn't even realize after a few minutes we took off running after Jason again and we got to the roof were we trapped him until "SAM SAVE US" I looked behind me to see two taurtis's wha 

We ran down to see about five taurtis clones hanging in the chains we went to the pool to see about a thousand taurtis's in the pool and geode there of course the creepiest thing was when he put a taurtis mask on we kept a few

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