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I woke up and saw Sam waking up as the same time as me "morning diamond" he said "morning Sam" I said then I smelt something burning "what the heck" I said looking around and then saw a lot of fire we starred at horror of the once amazing city burning it was beautiful then a group of minions surrounded a guy and ate him alive we heard his screams suddenly my vision went a little red and I started chuckling but Sam he was horrified I noticed he was holding my arm as if I would protect him or he would protect me my vision went back to normal my brother should have more goat blood that will help a lot for my problem 

time skip few minetes 

"ahh a flock of minions have arrived" a voice came "who is that" we said then jerry came "hello my chap" jerry said "hes english" grian said "do you see any diffrent about us" i said he looked at us carefully and looked kinda nervouse at my sight "sam looks like a a better chap and diamond looks nicer and more sane" he said we went silent for a bit at the words more sane "also hows your boyfriend" he said "what boyfriend" i asked "ah you know dastardly domrao" he smiled "wait wha- never mind explain why we saw someone get eaten by minion" i snapped "ah yes" he exclaimed "they seemed to grow a tendancy for human flesh" "where did they come from in our timeline we got rid of them" grian said "i have no idea we cannot explain" jerry awnsered "where taurtis by the way"sam asked "im slightly worried about our good chap taurtis" jerry said alright the way he talks is getting to annoying now 

"look theres a layer with doms face on it" sam pointed outa mountain that did look like dom "we gotta stop him" grian said "oh by the way if you get bitten you turn into one of thoughs vermins" jerry said

 "so its minion zombies" sam explained to us "and we got to stop the very dastardly  dom" grian said 

"very dastardly" sam said "dont start it" i growled at them "wait is this just a super posh dimension" grian said "yea i think this is a very pos-posshhh diamension" sam said "wait im stuck in a dimension surrounded by waffely twats" i cried (get the refrence where all da phans at) "we gotta get that book back noooow" i growled "alright time to put my plan into action follow me" jerry said we followed 

time skip since im lazy and i need to get this chapter done

long story short

 taurtis got eaten by zombie minions got turned into a zombie minion 

jerry got eaten 

we did some awsome roof top parkour 

we got to the lair 


grians pov

i noticed diamond started growling when dom started to speak "sam make diamond mad speak posh" i whispered to sam "why" he whispered back "just do it" i whispered shouted 

"your very dastard dom" i said diamond shot a glare at me "very dastardly indeed" sam laughed diamond was growling "shut ..... up .......both you" she growled "im sure baffled by you dom" i laughed (i looked up posh words im using the ones easiest for a sentence no judging me) "its very jocular forsooth" i laughed "THATS IT" diamond snapped and ran and punched dom in the chin he fell down and she kicked the minion and m and sam killed it as she dealt with dom mostly because i didnt want to see what she would do to him 

diamonds pov

i kicked i punched my claws are out i clawed at him "i have only one weakness a 50-" dom cried but i let the rest of my anger out in one punch and he died i swirled to face the two boys "dont hurt us" sam cried "we only did it so you would kill dom for us" grian laughed then i started laughing "never talk like a waffly twat ever again" i laughed "alright" grian laughed

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