Taurtis clones

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We brought five taurtis's back home two looked exactly alike which was confusing they tried figuring out who was the real one but that was not easy so Sam and grian pulled me up stairs to have a meeting "if they are just all perfect replicas of taurtis all we need to do is kill two and we will end up with one still" grian said Sam agreed "no way"I protested " let's do it" Sam said then they went to the basement and then they held guns at them " that's not the real one" taurtis cried " give us one reason that one is faulty" Sam said "he doesn't even have a tan"they both said "yea no tan"I agreed with them I thought having clones would be nice " can't we just keep all the taurtis's are is that to many mouths to feed" Sam said yay " yus yus yus" I said "no you can't have a pet"grian said with his 'parent' voice "I feed them wash them and take them for walks" taurtis said " please please please"I begged then he sighed fine "YAY"we cheered. 

time skip that night 
"so where are we oing to put the taurtises" sam said "why not in the house"me and taurtis said "clones dont sleep in the house diamond"sam said "WHAT ABOUT ME"taurtis shouted "we dont know if your real or not"sam said "oh how about this abandoned ware house "NO"me and taurtis shout "come one get in there"sam snapped "yea get in"grian said "nnnnoooooo"me and taurtis said but they pushed taurtis in there and locked it "ITS SO COLD IN HERE" he shouted my heart broke having this happen but who can argue with sam and grian and win oh i just remebered first it was rowan but HE'S FREAKING DEAD then there was the best teacher ever okami but sadly shes not in tokyo and i dont have a phone to call her 

time skip the next day 

i woke up to sam shouting "BRING ME MY TAURTISES" i jumped up and ran over to see him sitting on the couch i dont trust him with the taurtises he got up "good morning diamond" he said the he followed dom and i followed sam to the warehouse the taurtises came walking out "come on line up" sam snapped "why are we lining up" taurtis whined "becuase" sam snapped that time it scared him "why is there a girl one"taurtis said i then noticed a girl standing there that was of course a clone stood there with long black hair and a long blue dress with a red ribbon "is it taurissa" i laughed she nodded "i found this outfit in the barn"she said her voice was soft soon we brought them to school we walked by the play ground and what do ya know "oh look another taurtis"sam said all happy like "is there really another"taurtis said we walked into the playground "hes got a j"taurtis said uh oh he turned around to see us "oh AHAHAHAHA" taurtis sam and me broke into laughter "hOI"he shouted "his name is jerry"sam laughed "oooohhhh nnnnnoooooo" taurtis cried "wut are yu lookin at" he said i was dying of laughter "are those kit kats"sam said "yus"jerry said "du yoo wunt sum jerrycats"jerry said i laughed harder "this one is broken sam"taurtis said by this time i was laying down laughing my ribs ached so much i was crying "whu yoo call breken"jerry said i had tears streaming down my face soon the taurtis sam called good taurtis grabbed my wrists and pulled me up "th th th thannnnnks"i chocked out finally calming down we got to school and sam stopped by the stairs "STUDENTS STUDENTS"sam shouted and they started betting then geode came "10 billion"he said "oh my godness"i said "SCATTER" people said "no slave trades" senor loro said "WHAT" sam yelled "thank you loro" me and taurtis repeated then the bell rang and we went to teacher teachers toris i was the last one in " oh my-"taurtis said sam gasped "wha-"i said walking in and looked up "WHAT THE HECK"i screamed i saw teacher toris head hanging on a chain and lots of blood and the smell of death was stong inside the room im not gona lie i enjoyed it but the only good teacher was dead besides helena "uhhh" "what are we gonna do"i said trying to not enjoy myself to much or show my insane side "i dont really know"taurtis said then thats when i saw the chubacabra we tooks off running after him and shooting "did he- wait was our teacher a goat"taurtis said  "yea" we headed back and then senor loro came in "so uhh"he said "we dont have incerance so dont tell anyone this happened"he said the left 

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