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We walked outside "we are superheroes" Sam said "I'm the superhero and you two are my sidekicks " we walked out the door "HAULT" a voice yelled we turned to see a robot "see this is why you both should be the side kick and I'm the super hero" Sam said "what no I'm stronger then you"taurtis said "and I'm smarter then you" I said "1001928102" the robot yelled and taurtis hit him and killed him "that guy was so rude" taurtis said "ya" I said laughing "the side kick can't be stronger then the main hero" taurtis said and Sam punched his shoulder "did you just punch me"taurtis laughed I ran over and grabbed Sam so he couldn't run "please no"Sam laughed "ok fine next time though"taurtis said "and I'll kill you if you punch me no hesitation" I said clearly we walked "I also called other heroes to train us" Sam said "oh great more people" I mumbled as we walked "you guys need me so I should be the hero" Sam said "I don't need you" me and taurtis said same time and Sam laughed then we argued more and started talking about dead pool "the bunny wunny" Sam said trying to find a name and we talked about who should be the hero 

Time skip

We got to the store "aww how cute is that little bell" Sam said looking at the bell above the door "BALD PEOPLE" taurtis gasped and ran over to two bald men who looked suspicious then we walked to two people and we sat down there was a guy in a lion suit who looked familiar and a guy in a radioactive suit and me and taurtis laughed "oh hello Sam did you bring your fine legged friends today" the lion said fine legged friend KUMA the waiter came and took our orders and gave us coffee and we started talking about being heros "my power is I attract cubblings and bring them to my...den..... And .....protect them" kuma said me and taurtis just stood there "oh" I laughed and we talked even more 

Time skip 

"My cubbling senses are tingling" kuma said and handed me and Sam a suit mine was silver and Sams was white "go change into these super suits you to" kuma said and me and Sam agreed and tried looking for a spot to change he changed at the top of the stairs and I changed near the curtains to the restaurant I looked at myself it was a wolf I squealed it was so soft to "hey guys" I said skipping over soon Sam came over he was a bunny and I broke into laughter "I'm a super bunny with a super wolf and lion" Sam said taurtis laughed taurtis petted me and Sam "want to pet me kuma" Sam said and kuma petted him and squeezed his tail we walked and Sam jumped "do you just jump on their head like Mario" taurtis said "and you just bite them" "no I kill them with cuteness"Sam said "how does that work" taurtis laughed "I kill them with cuteness and this gun" Sam said pulling a gun out and we saw the store we used to work at being robbed hey that's our job

theyre my best friends 2 (samXreaderXgrianXtaurtisXdom)Where stories live. Discover now