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Sams pov 

I was watching tv with jerry and Dom "is this a real TV guys" I said they were supposed to get a new tv but it didn't look much like one "yus" jerry said "ya dude don't worry about it" Dom said well there was a sign that said tv so it must be a TV I realized that diamond and grian where still asleep I walked up stairs first my room no one then the office where diamond probably fell sleep playing video games like last time no one I walked to the basement and saw them both they were in they're pajamas still I walked over to diamond "awww my little snugglemuffin" I said staring at her leaning closer to her she seemed so gentle asleep unlike when she's awake she's pretty scary I kissed her, not on the forehead or cheek no I kissed her on her lips they were so soft and gentle I know I might wake her up and she might actually kill me but she was sleeping beauty right now I'm her Prince Charming I kept the kiss going she's still sleep this is the risk I'm willing to take I fell in love with my best friend diamond her name really did describe he-my thoughts where interrupted when her eyes flew open I looked her her bright green eyes for a quick second then I felt a deep pain in my stomach I screamed "OUCH" I flew back "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO" she yelled grian was stitting up and watching I bet he knew what I did 

Diamonds pov 

I felt something on my lips then I felt weight on me but the weight on my lips stayed gentle I opened my eyes and only saw someone kissing me he looked at me he had brown eyes I freaked out and kicked his stomach he flew back "OUCH" he screamed I realized who that was it was Sam I felt my face go hot I hid it with anger "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO" I yelled at him I knew grian was watching I didn't care wait Sam k k kissed m m m e w w w why "s s s Sam" I stuttered I helped him up "s s s sorry" I stuttered burrying my face in his chest so he couldn't see my blush he kissed me "why did you do that" I said "I was just you up" he said I looked up I smiled and rolled my eyes and pushed him and grian up stairs "gonna get dressed stay out ....or else" I said threatening I grew my uniform on and ran upstairs and faced Sam grian jerry and Dom in confidence "besides that moment I felt like today is gonna be big" I said "well your wolf senses mostly are right especially when it comes to good days" grian said "well couldn't you have done something besides kicking my stomach with all your might" Sam said I laughed and thought 'I never have a dull moment with these boys" I skipped to the door and grabbed the handle then a hand grabbed mine "Sam had his moment now mine" Dom said "wait wha-" my words where cut off as his lips crashed into mine I wanted to push my but he held both my hands and he stood on my feet so I couldn't kick him no matter how much I really have had a small crush on him since I saw his some what soft side and after we became friends but still I kept trying to pull back then he grabbed both my hands with one and then with his free hand he picked me up bridal style but let go of me to hold me I wrapped my arms around him then kicked my shoes into his stomach as hard as I could he flew even further then Sam did dropping me I landed on my feet 'ha and cats always land on their feet I guess wolfs do to' I thought "that's as hard as I can kick" I said I noticed he hit the wall "who's next" I said looking around no one volunteered "that's what I thought lets go"  I said they slowly came over I chuckled and grabbed the door handle then swung it open and took a big step out and almost ran into taurtis but stopped myself then he pulled out a gun and held it at us "EVERY ONE DOWN" taurtis shouted I yelped taurtis grabbed my wrists I sighed maybe my instincts where wrong today 'sorry taurtis bye life' I thought then lifted my leg then he pushed me over to the corner I stumbled "INTO THE CORNER" he shouted holding his gun at the boys then me "what did you guys do" he sounded like he was gonna cry holding the gun at us "what do you mean where did you go taurtis" I said 

Time skip you guys know the story I'm guessing 

We got to school I walked with grian under his umbrella since he's the only one who hasn't been stupid today we saw geode "geode is that señor loros sweater" grian said "ya don't tell him" he said then ran off we walked next to the stairs and stopped to talk I looked behind grian and taurtis since I saw someone new waving their hands I squealed "g g guys l l look" they looked and saw her Sam yelled and ran off invader walked over to us I squealed "INVADER" I hugged her she hugged me back invader was back and her senpai kissed me today ya that's gonna be fun when she learns about that

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