Bonus Chapter - Three years later

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I've seen that there's been over 2,000 reads on this, for some incredibly odd reason. But I thought I'd add this for those of you who have told me that they enjoyed reading this, and it made them laugh.

Also I have French homework to do and I really don't want to do it... Ooops?

Three years later...

I sat down on my expensive bed, the green curtain material draping down from the canopy. My father entered the room.

"What are you doing Draco?" He asked.

"Nothing father." My auto-reply told him.


"Father." I mimicked his tone.

"Don't speak to me like that. Now tell me what you're doing."

"Why? Can a twenty year old boy not get any privacy?"

"Not if that twenty year old boy has fruit with him." He pointed his wand at me, and cast a non-verbal spell. A red apple landed in his hand, causing him to promptly drop it. "Draco Malfoy, explain this very instant."

"I was going to eat it. Honestly father, I don't think you even trust me any more." I told him scathingly.

"Well why on Earth would I trust you Draco? At sixteen years old you supposedly fell in love with an apple!"

I paused, then looked at him. I looked into his deep grey eyes, which matched my own. In mine, however, I could tell that there was a fiery glint, because as I looked at him a shiver went down his back.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way." I told him, anger pulsing through me. "You may be my father, although even that is by nothing other than genetics. You have no right to be like that. To act as though my feelings for Elppa were not even real. As much as you think that that is something to hold above me for eternity, you re wrong. The whole thing was not something to be ashamed of. Every time you mention her, or my so-called "ridiculous" behaviour, it just keeps me fighting."

I glared at him again. "And for the record, it doesn't mean that I like every piece for fruit. Most parents would rather that their child was eating fruit opposed to sweets." I scoffed. "Then again, you're not really much of a father, are you?"

I snatched the snack back, and took a bite of it. "Now would you please leave me alone? I have some work that I need to do."

With that, I turned my back to the man who raised me and waited for him to leave.

I had not - and would not ever - forgive or forget what he did.

As I said before, this was for those of you who have been voting and commenting, and laughing at this story. It was created for entertainment purposes, so there's some entertainment for you all :P

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